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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 <-- I am still recieving this... YES I applied the fix too.
  2. It's being tagged as a trojan because it had to be modified to run on XP... Don't like it? Don't use it. As for getting roid of the reg entry? Your av did that already.
  3. ?!?! What is wrong with the icons? I am just not seeing it. I will add the clpbrd into the mix though.
  4. Yeah the only way to bypass that is to send as a gift... Hell yeah thanks for the donate... Edit that is a error in my uploading the wrong pic... It will get fixed. v8 will not be out for a bit.
  5. OK guys I didn't think this was coming up for 6 more months but I am being transferred the wpiw.net and wpiw.org adresses from the kind person that originally bought them for us! (athomsen from msfn) However I HAVE to renew them fairly soon. If I cannot I will most assuredly loose them. Remember this means ALL of my addons are down to! I HATE temp hosts and will only keep the main like 6 addons alive. SO I am starting a fund drive to refresh the domain registration PLEASE if you can send a donation to me paypal with the notes saying (Domain renewall!) I would like to purchase a handfull of years if possible! Thanks in advance! (Link to donate is in my sig) Thanks for listening!
  6. Now ANNOUNCING!! v1.3 Services and devices v3.2 GPU-Z v4.6 The whole package is uninstallable via the add/remove panel. This pack contains: CPU-Z v1.55 GPU-Z v0.4.6 HD Tune v2.55 HP USB format tool v2.18 HWmonitor v1.15 MemTest v4.0 MSI CleanUp Utility 4.4 Microsoft Config Smart Driver Backup v2.12 Services and Devices v3.2 User Accounts 2 CPL WhatInStartup v1.25 Windows Version (Winver) Size - 2.23 megs MD5Hash = b285a8d3aabb210dcadac9baa2f3ba12 Due to resticitions on my server I had to package the .wa in a rar file...
  7. DO NOT CROSS POST!!! Why can you not JUST rename each file as you get it?
  8. By using genuine windows :censored: Enough of posting warez pics! Keep it up and I will ban you...
  9. Neither do I. Just have a seat on the floor and touch you case ALOT (I try to keep one hanf on it all the time) and you'll be fine....
  10. HEY THATS AWESOME!!! Is there anyway I can get a archive of all hentai\manga and all of the sexy ones??? Pretty please!
  11. We cannot help you with that... These links are DIRECT MS links. Not hosted by us.
  12. http://www.mediafire.com/file/2nwxnwrjgzm/Ricks_WindowsSidebar6.0.6002.18005_Intl_AlkyXP1.1.7z
  13. @ hithere: #1 This is not the place for joshoon sidebar support... #2 With this you need the following = XP SP3, WMP11, .net & IE8!
  14. 8800gt for fifty bucks? Thats a sweet deal. Whos the manufacturer?
  15. YES they are SOOO SEXY!!! No really I have had lots and lots of hard drives and the ones that last the longest for me are WD ones. I still have a 4 gig one running in a old tester tower The couple I have had fail were under warrenty and the sent me replacements really quickly.
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