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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. OK I had the balls to download your prog. (Have to admit it seems pretty fishy) I wiil vouch for you though. It is clean and seems todo what you said it does. (No Zune here so I couldn't actual test it fully) Please add more of a description of what it does and how to use it...
  2. The installer cannot be repackaged once "destroyed" you will have to find a way to make your modifications post-install.
  3. http://www.ptdd.com/manual2.htm Super fdisk!! Semi-decent gui FAST Comes with a bootable cd.iso download
  4. Gotcha, closed and moved. Do you have spammer ban powers? Or shall I get him? PM me with the answer...
  5. DON'T YELL IN TOPIC TITLES!!! j/k in this case it is OK! lol Hey Happy New Year to you to!
  6. From looking at the video card and the specs of the monitor I would hazard a guess that the problem is the monitor is simply waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much for the video card to even try to work. Try this: Get a "Old" crt monitor. nothing special just a 15" or 17" one, try it and then you should get a working pic.
  7. Warez discussion can not be tolerated here... /closed any further discussion will result in official warnings!
  8. You were banned for 3 days due to your suggestion and help with a warez request to download windows 7... Your ability to post and co-operate in the forum will be restored in 1.5 days.
  9. I have a question for you. Did you uninstall previous versions first? I just went over 10.2 with a fine toothed comb and retested it. (The silent installer version, testing regular now) There is no issue with it and DFX is not in there. I suspect you have an old version in there somewhere.
  10. Hmmm I see that I may have mixed up my inf's DFX? That was removed many versions ago...
  11. VERY GOOD! Can't wait untill you get the GUI sorted out!
  12. I updated GPU-Z @ = Kiki I commented to hell out of the inf to make customization easier for you! (Thats about as far as I am going for now I don't have the time)
  13. I know PLUS mine is an ide which is not being manufactured anymore
  14. Does anyone have a extra 2.5 eide laptop hardrive? Mine is making grinding noises.
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