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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. Not you beats... Him, the example he posted was from a warez realease.
  2. http://www.msfn.org/board/beta-user-creation-tool-t70510.html&hl=user Here is what you are looking for! DO NOT POST WAREZ PICS AGAIN! Place this app in your $oem$ folder and call it with cmdlines.txt
  3. Honestly?? Whats a half-meg to a meg in size? Especially after you have installed Vista or Win7??? Anyways I have updated to v3 see changelog.
  4. Yeah I got the 64 bit version in there somehow... Uploading it with the right version in it now.
  5. BUMP!!! It seems this is NOT still compressing at the max that a cab can be. I saw a HUGE diff in my runtimes caab between this and say other tools like tugzip. ANY clue? P.S. I simply love this tool...
  6. You do realize that what they are doing is illegal? Redistribution of Windows from ANY other than a MS certified distributer is illegal. Slipstreaming and integrating is the same thing. A TRUE addon is on that is ACTUALLY integrated into the disk. i.e. the files are actually integrated into the disk and not JUST and installer that is placed in the svcpack folder. A svcpack addon is just a installer that is repackaged and added to svcpack.
  7. OnePiece Remove NETFX1.1SP1 AddOn http://www.adrive.com/public/15c9395abae0e4c98c30eefd77b205a7db3dc3be0260b54a735f894d4a24a4a7.html Updated (November 16-2009) Hash MD5 F466118ACA84A251EC532D555B7CB8BE Filesize: 690 Bytes (690 bytes You MUST use the RVM Integrator with this addon! and only AFTER integration of the update pack.
  8. Yeah for vb 5&6 thats why they are not in there. I had included them at one time.
  9. Hey bruneto! Only 1 dll is on a sp3 disk afaik... Thats usp10.dll and you SHOULD really keep that one. As for sliiming it down? Yeah you could but it would be a pick and choose deal.
  10. Sorry I repacked with greater compression and forgot to change the md5
  11. MY runtimes contains codes MS libraries + more. No need for his.
  12. Yeah it WORKS right now... Really though it was a MAJOR one that took a long time. I couldn't put a chagelog together. I do believe everthing that is in there now is in the progs and additions list so please check that.
  13. Announcing! Works GREAT on Windows 2000 and earlier (Targeting 98\ME!) MUST HAVE IE updated to v6 before WPI runs. No there no real instructions yet (see the help page of the website for what there is right now) but allot of you are familiar with WPI and it is a fairly simple program to use. Place the WPI folder at the root of your disk and the scripts to start WPIC (However you choose) need to point to WPIC.exe now. Please visit our forum section and ask away for more advice. PLEASE remember to donate if you really like and use this prog! Yes it will work on the newer operating systems and can be configured on them. Version 2.2 - (November 21st, 2009)Minor adjustments to WPIC.exe Fixed the GLARING bug in the dos-style commands! Removed some unneeded code.code] Now added a homepage section and site of its own... [center][size=4][b]See the portal for access to it![/b][/size][/center] [center][/center]
  14. Yeah I could actually SAID it instead of just initializing it. Remember communities are based on mutual respect and when one of our coders gets treaded like crap we get nasty too.
  15. STFU! We are not robots and you don't pay for this stuff so you need to keep you opinions to yourself.
  16. Considering you are the only person to poat in the last 10 months are you suprised???
  17. GET YOUR OWN DAMNED THREAD!!! :censored: :censored: :ranting: :censored: :censored: Do NOT hijack mine. I wil erase your post in 24 hours.
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