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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. 1= Get wallpaper 2= Name it bliss.jpg 3= Makecab it 4= Replace\overwrite the original. DONE
  2. This is a long shot BUT here goes. I have made a x86 and x64 a-i-o disk with a couple extras, however it is getting a hair too big. What are things I can MANUALLY remove from the disk? Also if possible is there anything I can remove from the wim to save space? Please remember this needs to be a full disk without any things removed (EXCEPT maybe the upgrade option)
  3. Hey Jatin: I got this to work and install. BUT I cannot make it start. I see the play dreamscene shell ext but it is always greyed out. I downloaded several dreamscenes and tried clicking on them and even put them in the proper folder. Is there something I am missing? YES i do have aero enabled and rebooted.
  4. What is the model of your motherboard? Also can you run them in FULL detail? i.e. 1600x1200 with all of the bells and whistles turned on?
  5. It explicitly says in the WAIK material that any part or parcel is not for distribution. So NO technically you are not supposed to distribute it. It's really up to you if you want to chance it.
  6. Found a minor, yet VERY annoying issue. When you de-cab a single file it then puts that file into a sub-folder. Can this be changed?
  7. I actually have a 64 uberpack ready! I am just testing it now. Tonight or tommorrow I will release it.
  8. Modifype files while cabbing them? i.e. "Modifype file.ext -c"
  9. NO you must use the ADDON MAKER linked to in the first post to build your own.
  10. I will VERY gladly provide you with videos (for a fee of course) we do this for free and you are asking for ALOT.
  11. I really hate to piss on your parade but that will not work... You have to be able to connect to the server to get the wimfltr and newest version. Without it the prog is nearly useless.
  12. No i am very sorry but I won't, HOWEVER here is a single CPL addon for it. (I re-upped it just for you) And YES it will co-exist with my uber CPL...
  13. http://www.wpiw.net/downloads/addons/Kels_Dial-A-Fix_v0.60.0.24_addon.CAB Size = 322kb MD5Hash = 9148edcca0b89357ff0db02fa67b9a2a
  14. http://www.hr-host.com/wincert/Legolash2o/W7T.msi Works for me...
  15. I like this one, but the globe is pretty cruddy imo... Maybe something more like this. It looks more like we are connected to the world.
  16. Hmmmm just tested it and nogo here either... I will have to look further into it.
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