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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. Had to rebuild completly from scratch... A couple of suprises in this new one to. Works perfectly of Win7 Final too :D :D Updated.
  2. Theres a couple of issues with that. I no longer have a x64 license (Of any type) Most of the apps and tweaks in it didn't work well under x64. I am x64 capable SO in someone wants to pony up a x64 legal disk and key for me I will start making some.
  3. Enough talk of trying this and that type of warez! You are getting that error because one of your addons is not being processed properly thus causing a chain reaction. Any ,ore talk of warez and I will give you an official warning. Wait untill the 22nd of October and buy your Win7! Quit cheating and making things harder on us legitimate users!
  4. Avechuche = the $oem$ folder and cmdlines.txt IS USED during the t-13 phase of setup! You ONLY need the oempreinstall=yes if you want folders to be copied over. Cmdlines.txt is used no matter what.
  5. maybe it is still do-able I might try my first update pack
  6. Actually that is kind of a moot issue as MS is killing the good old messenger in the next month or 2.
  7. AHA I get you now... You are kindof in the right section but you will get more attention in the software section, so off I go with it.
  8. Closed as there is the same post in onepieces update pack thread...
  9. To further onepeices advice = You ONLY need the 1386 folder and the 3+ win51** files that are at the root of the disk. WIN9XMIG, WIN9XUPG and WINNTUPG. This will free up 37+ MB If you have a localized language version of Windows in your own language, then you probably can also delete: LANG. This will free up approximately 99 MB (This may vary) Easily saving 200-ish megs all done by hand.
  10. Hmmm where in the heck did half my post go??? I guess this is cancelled for now. I will have time in like a week to update it and redo the first post.
  11. This is not a warez site! Your rules and behavior break several forum rulez... Suggesting ban...
  12. I would say just to rebuild your disk instead of asking for a singularly needed addon...
  13. You actually say it yourself. A lurker is a person who signs in and only posts a couple of times or just browses.
  14. Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI for short) is a hypertext application designed for giving users choice. While Windows XP offers many ways of customizing the setup process out of the box, its major drawback is the lack of being able to select which applications an end user may install. In the past, end users and administrators needed to either download the files manually, or create overly complex scripts that could only be used once. WPI allows you to create one image, which can then be custom configured, and optionally, automated, so that end users can install any applications. WPI is a simple to use automation program for the choice and installation of multiple programs, tweaks and scripts. No longer will you need a dozen CD's or more when doing a fresh Installation. No longer will you need multiple files when you are servicing another PC. With Windows Post-Install Wizard all that you will need is 1 or 2 CD\DVD's to fully install your PC with all of your apps, scripts, registry files or tweaks. Instead of having to re-download those apps like adobe reader, flash or updates to programs you can have them all on one disk. With WPI you can have all of them all on one disk and then have a nice interface for selecting which apps to install and after configured properly WPI will install all of them without any needed input from you. WPI also and is commonly used added to your windows installation disks. This way you can automate the complete process of Windows and program installations. With your typical setup of WPI you have your OS and all of the apps, tweaks and such on one disk. After windows installs, WPI kicks in and you are given a selection of everything you have configured WPI with, then you can select the ones you want or simply let the timer run out and your default apps will install. Highlights of the newest version! You HAVE to update config and options files by going into config and saving the doing the same in the options wizard. IT HAS TO BE DONE IN THAT ORDER! Also update your themes from the website. Known Bugs\Issues! The rewind button DOES NOT work on the media player... (Probably never has) Nero 7 messes with the IE scripting engine and WPI will not work if Nero 7 has been installed or is currently installed. HOWEVER, This link to Nero Cleantool --> HERE has been reported to fix this issue. So if you wish to use WPI and have had Nero7 installed you will want to "clean" your system first. v7.7.0 Updates - Released July 28th, 2009 ======================================================================== *** You will be alerted that your config file is too old. You will need to save your Config file first, then your Options file, IN THAT ORDER, to update them. *** All of the themes have been updated slightly; just for the padding around the wizards. You should update yours from the web site if you are not using one of the default ones. * Added 24 128x128 generic .png's in the graphics folder for tooltips. These images can be found, and added to, in the Graphics/Logos folder. * Fixed some wrong language codes. * Updated the grids with drag-and-drop functionality. Top, Up, Down, Bottom buttons have been removed. Dragging in main config list not necessary so not implemented. * Changed Conditions and Grayed Conditions string gadgets to textareas to show more. * Added a simple HTML editor for the Description in the Config wizard. Waiting for the next version to come out with more features. * Added Accordions and Editors combo boxes to Style tab. Three skins each. * MAJOR updates to the Options and Config wizards. * New Configurations tab in Config wizard. These items were moved from General tab in Options wizard. These are now specific to the config file being used. When they were global, all kinds of issues arose with category sort order, configurations, etc. * Interface tab in Options wizard is gone. Those items are moved to the General tab. * All the gadget layouts in all wizards/windows have been updated. * The wizards sizes have shrunk a little bit. NOTE: You will be alerted that your config file is too old. You will need to save your Config file first, then your Options file, IN THAT ORDER, to update them. * Do Not Load Desktop functionality has been updated. * Updated the Picture handling in the Config Wizard. * Tool tip images can now be placed anywhere. They are not forced to be in the Graphics folder. If no path is specified it will still be assumed the Graphics folder for backwards compatibility. * Updated trimString() to handle network and additional paths properly. * Added function isDesktopLoaded(). (Francesco) Usage: isDesktopLoaded() Returns: true or false * When using "Load desktop before installation starts", if already on the desktop, it will start to install. Before it would wait for a reboot. * Updated Bulgarian lang file. Notes and Extras Suggested disk folder layout: With the above folder layout all your config entries should read like: ["%wpipath%\Install\Blah.exe" /switch] Here is a small tutorial on how to add an app to WPI! Ok this is a sample (Very simple) configuration for CCleaner (A.K.A Crap Cleaner) This assumes you have all of the WPI files either in the WPI folder at the root of your Windows cd or all of the WPI folders (Common, Graphics, WPIScripts, Tools, Install and Themes) and the file WPI.hta at the root of your cd. Remember this is just the most basic and required entries for a program! 1. Download the app and place it in the WPI\Install Folder. (CCleaner.exe in this example) 2. Run WPI.hta and click on the
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