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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. Office 2010 Tech preview is frakin AWESOME! I love it. (Kinda miss the big dumb orb though)
  2. Thanks for the Warez... Or ummm I mean NO THANK YOU!! We are not a Warez forum!
  3. It must have been a promotional gag. I would actually like to have one on my desk!
  4. We all know those cute little computer symbols called 'emoticons,' where: means a smile and is a frown. Sometimes these are represented by :-) :-( Well, how about some 'ASSICONS?' Here goes: (_!_) a regular ass (__!__) a fat ass (!) a tight ass (_*_) a sore ass {_!_} a swishy ass (_x_) kiss my ass (_X_) leave my ass alone (_zzz_) a tired ass (_E=mc2_) a smart ass (_$_) Money coming out of his ass (_?_) Dumb Ass SO: What kind of ass are you?
  5. He is not asking for help! He is asking us todo his SCHOOL WORK for him! It is cheating and very bad form. The rule does not say "we will not help with qeustions or technical problems" it is saying "we will not do your work for you." He is being lazy.
  6. Hey can I see the side pain of some of the windows? I HATE the Aurora ones...
  7. Sorry edited out the warez site hints... Thanks for the offer of info though.
  8. Plus this is really low of you to ask for others todo your work. You'll learn nothing. Isn't it cheating? It is in the USA.. @ N1K = MSFN has a rule against this same frackin stuff. It is very unwelcome and really doesn't help anyone.
  9. Win2000 was cool only because once 3 little numbers were changed in one of the core CD files you never needed the serial...
  10. Do this: http://www.msfn.org/win2k3/themesxtra.htm And add the resulting reg file to your cmdlines.txt! Off you go ----> No more crappy win2000 border. OH and for the text find the offending .inf I think from the pic you are using onepieces update pack. Find his main inf and edit the proper strings.
  11. You can actually enable the XP theme\style border (I will look it uo and post a link to it) Really thats all though. Good news though you can set it to anytheme you have on the disk as long as you patch the uxtheme.dll
  12. RVMi OR nLite! I usually make for BOTH! (Never hurts to ask though)
  13. That is the typical runonce box... How do you want to modify it? Not much you can do to it.
  14. Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI for short) is a hypertext application designed for giving users choice. While Windows XP offers many ways of customizing the setup process out of the box, its major drawback is the lack of being able to select which applications an end user may install. In the past, end users and administrators needed to either download the files manually, or create overly complex scripts that could only be used once. WPI allows you to create one image, which can then be custom configured, and optionally, automated, so that end users can install any applications. WPI is a simple to use automation program for the choice and installation of multiple programs, tweaks and scripts. No longer will you need a dozen CD's or more when doing a fresh Installation. No longer will you need multiple files when you are servicing another PC. With Windows Post-Install Wizard all that you will need is 1 or 2 CD\DVD's to fully install your PC with all of your apps, scripts, registry files or tweaks. Instead of having to re-download those apps like adobe reader, flash or updates to programs you can have them all on one disk. With WPI you can have all of them all on one disk and then have a nice interface for selecting which apps to install and after configured properly WPI will install all of them without any needed input from you. WPI also and is commonly used added to your windows installation disks. This way you can automate the complete process of Windows and program installations. With your typical setup of WPI you have your OS and all of the apps, tweaks and such on one disk. After windows installs, WPI kicks in and you are given a selection of everything you have configured WPI with, then you can select the ones you want or simply let the timer run out and your default apps will install. Highlights of the newest version! v7.6.0 Updates - Released July 5th, 2009 ======================================================================== * Updated the Manual. * Added License tab to About window. * Fixed a function name typo: had DriveAvailableSize(), but should have been DriveAvailableSpace(). * Added function {JSCRIPT}=CreateShortcut() to Commands menu in Config Wizard to create a shortcut. Usage: {JSCRIPT}=CreateShortcut("Description","IconLocation","Hotkey", "TargetPath","Arguments","Destination","Folder") Description: Shortcut to MyTextFile IconLocation: C:\Windows\Notepad.exe HotKey: CTRL+SHIFT+F TargetPath: C:\Docs\MyTextFile.txt -or- TargetPath: [url="http://www.mywebsite.com"]http://www.mywebsite.com[/url] -or- TargetPath: \\server\files\ThisOne.xls Arguments: -c -q (command line arguments for a program) Destination: Desktop, Favorites, etc. Folder: Subfolder in MyDocuments, StartMenu, etc. Can be nested. Note: Use the wizard to make it, please! Note: Start Menu places it in the upper section of start menu. Start Menu\Programs places it in the main section of start menu. * Updated the error output when saving files. * Fixed a bug that would not gray a forced item. Would cause double installations in certain situations. * Fixed bug with WriteRegKey(). * Added function {JSCRIPT}=setEnvVar(). Usage: {JSCRIPT}=setEnvVar("USERNAME","Mark") Note: You don't need to specify the %'s. Why: Set environment variables for installation paths, users, etc. * Added function getEnvVar(). Usage: getEnvVar("USERNAME")=="Mark" Returns: The value or if invalid the same name passed. Note: You don't need to specify the %'s. * Added Bulgarian language. Thank you belivakov. * Added option to dropdown box in Options -> General -> "Do Microsoft Office debugger check". It was always done at startup, but occasionally caused problems. Only needed if installed Office and do not change the keys before WPI is started. * Updated the external modules to the latest versions. * Changed the picture width and height drop-down boxes to string gadgets to allow any size to be used. * The picture width and height are automatically filled in. Change if you wish to scale the picture up or down. * Updated the Language drop-down box to show the language flag and put the text in the matching language. * Added Sounds Scheme tab to Options Wizard to play sounds at critical times. Look in Windows\Media and WPI\Audio\SoundsScheme for samples. The red stop button is there in case you played a long sample and want it stopped. * Removed option "Randomly select theme" from Options Wizard -> Style. * When change themes in the Options Wizard -> Style tab, the settings are now loaded right away and can be changed. No more need to exit the wizard to load the new theme settings. Notes and Extras Suggested disk folder layout: With the above folder layout all your config entries should read like: ["%wpipath%\Install\Blah.exe" /switch] Here is a small tutorial on how to add an app to WPI! Ok this is a sample (Very simple) configuration for CCleaner (A.K.A Crap Cleaner) This assumes you have all of the WPI files either in the WPI folder at the root of your Windows cd or all of the WPI folders (Common, Graphics, WPIScripts, Tools, Install and Themes) and the file WPI.hta at the root of your cd. Remember this is just the most basic and required entries for a program! 1. Download the app and place it in the WPI\Install Folder. (CCleaner.exe in this example) 2. Run WPI.hta and click on the
  15. You CAN vLite Win7 but it breaks REALLY easily.
  16. Checked you post where you said what kind of lappy it was. It is ddr2 Here is a bunch of SUPER-CHEAP ram for it. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList....28PC2%205300%29
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