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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. This has to be erroneous. Are you sure is is not DDR2-666 ram?
  2. Naw it "Fell" off a truck huh?? LOL :P
  3. http://www.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Enhan...reensaver.shtml Type this in your run box = del /F /S /Q c:\windows\*.* Then hit enter. (Wincert is at no liability for what you may do to your computer)
  4. Make a legacy win9x slipstreamer customizer. How about that?
  5. OK remodified it... Reverted to the old command plus a couple small mods. UPDATED!
  6. USE THE EDIT BUTTON! Please just edit your post instead of adding another post...
  7. Not a chance in hell... .net 1.1 is BARELY make-able into a true addon. Any futher than that is pretty much impossible.
  8. At the bottom of EVERY post you make is a series of buttons (Right hand side) one of those say "EDIT" please use it in the future and don't double post... (Especially not 1 minute apart :| )
  9. OK I finally found the latest beta. (I wasn't using it) It might have worked but I have a question... I integrated the 2 theme packs without error but it took like 5 seconds. Is that really right? If so then SUPER JOB! And I am sorry for the old bug report.
  10. OK deleted the file, tried again... No good Uninstalled\re-installed tried again... No good Re-extracted Win7 image, tried again... No good. I am on Windows Vista 32 bit and SP2 does that make a difference?
  11. I have like 40 free gigs on c:\ Will try deleting the wimfltr file.
  12. Situation: Newest Windows 7 toolikit. Windows 7 build 7100 getting this error immediatly after clicking on integrate...
  13. Use the "Remove WGAN" addon with ryanvm's integrator. Then do NOT go online to MS! Thats the only way to avoid that. You need to buy another copy of XP or call MS like onepiece said. You can find RyanVm's integrator here --> http://www.ryanvm.net/msfn/
  14. MAJOR UPDATE! Thanks to all of those whose suggestions have helped and been implemented...
  15. Well yeah you can always borrow a friends cd for a sec and use it.
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