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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. Its in my pack but any other number of programs may have it. Office, Nero, hell I dunno...
  2. It's never really the FINAL version... It will be updated whenever a hotfix or bug is found.
  3. Actually it needed updating. It will be posted tonight. (@12 hours)
  4. I never liked notepad++ and there are a couple of other notepad++ addons out there so I quit making them.
  5. Hmmm musta mixed up my archives. Nero was taken out because the newer versions had too many dependancies. I will fix the silent installer inna few minutes.
  6. Hey neat! Where are you finding these? I want to collect as many as possible.
  7. It was innactive for almost 6months... ANYWAYS UPDATED!
  8. Good luck with this. We at WPI have been trying to disable UAC before first boot since the betas.
  9. UPX is a file compressor. Lots of AV assume that if you are using it you are hiding something.
  10. @Jatin Beniwal: After that kind PM I recieved from you over at msfn (Ya know the one where you freaked out over my wimfltr installler) I tend to just ignore you...
  11. Hmmmmm... You seem to understand english well enough. I have a problem with this pack. It is a direct rip from my UberPacK and you don't give me any credit. Also you tell people not to use my pack.
  12. Kels_CPLBonus_addon_v9.2.8.7z Kels_Runtimes_addon_v5.1.rar Kels_VirtualCDv2.1_addon_2008-10-23.rar Remove this one! (It is superseeded by the CPL mega pack)
  13. LOL I was just going to ask why they were failing on me. NM carry on then!
  14. Very nice idea. It is rather HUGE comparatively to the rest of the apps in my pack. I am very open to it if we get another vote or 2 for it. Edit lol I just picked it apart and see the gui version is not all togther that big so I will add it in the next pack!
  15. Man its one of those days again.
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