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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. I know staff most likely can't get one but it is a way of introducing myself again Name: Troy Taylor Age: 35 Location: Pocatello, ID U.S.A
  2. Hmmmm English please. And if your asking how to make #1 look like #2 you can't fully do it. Sorry. Some of the looks can be changed but not all of them.
  3. ummmmmmmm NO that would be considered WAREZ and is grounds for being banned.
  4. You CANNOT add animated cursors to user32.dll
  5. Yup they must be backupd from a patcher or some similiar program. I would go ahead and delete all of them too. It looks like ALOT of them were for services. Did you use some program or addon that modified your services?
  6. Sorry dude-uk but he has said before he will not do custom versions...
  7. Thanks reaper I went and took a nap
  8. Updated! And to all who have thanked me in the past = I truly appreciate the thanks. As for the dead pixel tester = as soon as I get a LCD monitor or 2 I will add it in. (Yes my laptop has one but It doesn't have any dead pixels so I couldn't tell if the program works or not.) Maybe i'll ask around and see if any of the people I know have the dead pixel curse.
  9. Did you even bother with reading the first post? It is all explained there.
  10. msgina.dll shell32.dll One of these 2
  11. Sweet glad to see you around.
  12. Does anyone have a TV-Tuner card? Like the kind you use with Windows MCE?
  13. Because paint.net require .net. Waste of time and space... Try Photofiltre its tiny, free and portable.
  14. Becuase WAIK is proprietary software of MS and Nuhi did not want to chance a C&D from them. Remember the Autopatcher fiasco about 18months ago?
  15. C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\ Simplyy delete all of the .theme and folder to the themes you do not want....
  16. Hes actually correct (IN A WAY) 1.1.6 has the files... 1.2 DOES NOT Future version (If there is ever any) WILL NOT!
  17. Updated the Notepad variations (all 3) REALLY thinking of putting the UberPacK on a diet!!!
  18. Sorry re-upped...
  19. Lol whatever... Its the same damned files. v6.0.6001.1800 You are including too many files and mine is an actual installer..
  20. Kelsenellenelvian


    TSKILL is quite superior to taskkill.exe It is much simpler and quicker to use. No swithes and extensions needed, just the "tskill program"
  21. Thank you MSDN license!
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