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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. He was missing the files from his disk like setup.exe and autoplay.ini....
  2. Advanced user controls = control userpasswords2
  3. Yeah AND??? Come-on people whats wrong with asking instead of being short like that. Been super busy with WPI (New release in a matter of days) Will TRY to get this done soon...
  4. Snake - The reqiurements are going to be the same or less. This has been stated many time in MS articles. They are going with a modular system. The install footprint is MUCH smaller (I have the early beta) but I personally think the Superbar sucks right now it needs polished...
  5. I deleted your damned topic!!! 1 = Because I never liked the fact you refused to give original makers credit. and 2 = Because you have been banned therefore we no longer support your addons. If you continue to post and make new accounts we will report you to your ISP and have formal charges brought up. (We do keep records of all of your accounts, IP #'s and email addresses.)
  6. He had some very un-ethical behavior and was very offensive towards staff. He was given a day vacation and then he made a dupe account and was posting with it. Needless to say he broke several rules and this cannot be tolerated from even very contributing members like he was. And no he will not be unbanned he had a total of 3 chances already.
  7. You were banned for continuing use of bad behavior and the decision was made not only by MrNxDMX but the whole staff on the forum. Your attention seeking, argumentative and fit throwing cannot nor will not be tolerated. I have had several of the turkish posts translated and also seen the pm's you have been sending. It is un-excusable behavior. Also you immediatly made a dupe account immediatly which is severly against the rules. Plus you were asked to give credit to the creators of the sources of the other resources you had been using and refused to do so. (Login screens) You still tried to pass them off as your work... There is many, many reasons for your banning. Plus you have personally asked for JUST THIS THING multiple times from several of us.
  8. Well see there is an issue with your request. Those features are only available in the full\registered version... So it would be illegal to make a addon and distribute it.
  9. HOLY CHIT!!! That many fans will sound like a helli all the time in your bedroom..
  10. HKCU,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" Actually this key does not fully exist during the T-13 phase. Change it to HKLM and it should be fine.
  11. Does anyone got any sdram pc133??? I would dearly like a couple of 512's. (I already got a couple of 256's but would REALLY like to expand with the room given.) And, YES the mobo can handle it.
  12. No it does not detect the MD5 of the addon. Also while you at customizing look in the cpllite.inf and see if I have already designated a custom icon for a program. (I keep them in cplbonus.dll(
  13. Yeah the DX9.0c applet is pretty useless. Goanna kill it in the next release. Go ahead and reshack to your little hearts desire. As long as you don't F'up the program it will work ok.
  14. Windows 7 definatly IS NOT Vista.... Have you even had the chance to try it? Installed it last night and it is quite deiiferent from Vista.
  15. http://www.msfn.org/board/Official-WPI-aut...nu-t121893.html
  16. http://beeblebrox.org/hashtab/ <-- Install this tiny shell extension. Then when you right click and select properties on your file you wil see a "Hash" tab simply double click on the MD5 hash number and then copy\paste it.
  17. You also HAVE to have an MD5 and filesize! Please rectify that immediatly.
  18. Please upload those icons for the next run of updates I like 'em Every component has been updated today!
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