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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. Hmmm I tracked the reg entry and got this: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SMDEn] Thats it, no sub-keys, dwords or anything! Seems to me you're pretty safe without it. If you fell you want it back just make a reg file from what I posted and re-enter it.
  2. CPLBonus.dll Is just an icon dll I made with gconvert for the usage of storing and holding icons. The reason why you se so many is because I used the same dll I made for my big cplbonus pack.
  3. Actually I would definatly use a couple of them please send them on down
  4. Lots of people still HATE .net 2 and this app requires a 230+ meg DL to use. I just see some people whining because they want to use your app but need 3.5 to use it is all. Is there anyway to recompile for .net2? Since this is the first 3.5 app I have encountered (Besides Web Expressions 2) I just kinda feel it's a heavy price to pay. Please don't get me wrong it is a VERY nice program\app! (Already used it to change a couple of things on Vista Ultimate x32 SP2) It would just be nicer to use without waiting for the .net installation.
  5. HEY COOL!!! 3.5 is kind of a drawback though (Not for me I am almost always competly updated)
  6. OK you guys oficialy suck Man 3 years ago when all this started we did it all by HAND!!! j/k Great tool though! Thanks
  7. Sounds to me like its not getting enough power.
  8. comdlg32.ocx <-- run with arguments WC.com <-- Make iso on right click. Yup they can go!
  9. I see from the looks of it your using a "lite" pack or one of my modded packs. Maybe the last Vista one? Well redownload from the FIRST topic of THIS thread and they will all be there. UPDATED!!!!
  10. KK I looked and "MS Virtual CD-ROM" is under "Printers and Other Hardware" "WinUpdatesList" is under "Performance and Maintenance" They both show under classic view also. How elso have you modded your disk?
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