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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. Yup we know! I have a freshly compiled version ready to go when I get home.
  2. http://www.msfn.org/board/Application-Installs-f80.html and http://www.appdeploy.com/ Searching through those 2 links wil answer nearly ANY question you have...
  3. Naw I don't need it. Vas ist das? is about all the german I know. Please by all means go ahead and repost it in the german forum.
  4. Hmmm localize notepad 5.0.3 to German? I will look into it. I am sure it can be done. Check back inna few hours.
  5. Naw their is an updated version at ryanvm's forum though by dougiefresh that has a lot more capabilities.
  6. Hello, good luck with Vista! What is your system specifications?
  7. You actually limited to 16 colors on the bootscreen. Unless you are using a third party application.
  8. Add this to the entries section for nLite and the RVMi to do it properly: Flags=ignorefileversions
  9. http://www.wpiw.net/downloads/addons/Kels_...sta64_beta2.exe YES the icons are still messed up!
  10. http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=2
  11. Here is the first beta of the 64bit pack! YES I know the icons are messed up! I am fixing them now. Sorry t'was late got a dose of real life. http://www.wpiw.net/downloads/addons/Kels_...sta64_beta1.exe 2.03megs MD5Hash=8CA862BD0CA1B0B5C1EC1DFC52B8D837
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