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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. OK did you remove IE with nLite? Did you set firefox as defualt browser? Do you have nero 7 installed?
  2. Logonstudio Vista http://www.download.com/LogonStudio-Vista/...4-10696252.html
  3. Hey updated it. Now I need a tester for the x64 pack. (I went 64 and absolutly hated all of it BTW) I am going to make cpl's for the files just please let me know who wants to test it.
  4. You do know Windows 2008 IS VISTA right? It just has everthing disabled... Same kernel, same winver everything is the same.
  5. OK finally I got to make the VM and will post a screenie very soon and reup this addon! Look back in like 30 minutes
  6. [Uninstall.Startcut] Name =Uninstall KO Approach,0x00000008,23 CmdLine ="rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection Approach.inf,Uninstall.KOA" SubDir =KO Approach IconPath =11,,shell32.dll IconIndex =110 This should work fine for you like that.
  7. #1 Cannot be done (the only way to make your archive like that is to password protect it) But that defeats the purpose of making a silent install as you would have to enter a password in when it is ran. #2 Cannot be done for sure...
  8. :o :o OMG! Thats a truly asounding achievement (I am NOT mocking you either) How long did it take to build?
  9. Fixed a previously unknown weakness in the pack Thanks Kurt!
  10. This one can't be done for 64bit. Nearly EVERY thing in it is not 64bit compatable, sorry.
  11. Actually it would be easy to do if I wanted to be MESSY (I can make cpl files for ALL of it, but the size would be like 2x) Just got all my new parts in and together YAY! I will install 64x soon (yeeeech) and work on it. From what I hear it is a simple change todo...
  12. Not yet I am going to switch them all at once instead of having them one good one not and so-on...
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