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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. So sad about the warez promoting on this thread.
  2. http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?sho...;st=0#entry1362 This thread is now closed please see the above thread for the Notepad++ addons!
  3. Did you remove the autoplay files with nLite?
  4. HOLY GODS!!! 42 megs for a screensaver WOW. I must admit it looks cool though...
  5. Actually sice they are runtimes you could theoretically use the asms folder.But the crux of it all is you'll Hafta rename some of them if your doing it inf style. See my runtimes addon for the asms folder layout. Plus rick seems to have figured out more about the asms folders so he can post some info here too.
  6. This does not belong in the addons section! Moving to the unattended section!
  7. It was a quick work around to copy pidgen.dll but they put a check in their somwhere that beats that...
  8. YES YOU CAN!!! Yannow the sourcedisksnames section? where it say =1? add another one ringht below it and say =2 then on all of those files you put =2 instead of =1... [sourceDisksNames.x86] 1="UberPack Files","UberPack.cab",,"i386" 2="UberPack Files","extracrap.cab",,"i386"
  9. [general] Title = Version = Description = Language = BuildDate = Website = [EditFile] I386\SVCPACK.INF,SetupHotfixesToRun,AddProgram [AddProgram] Program.exe <---- Place the installers name here!
  10. Yup its fubared and I see where I went wrong I will fix in a few minutes
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