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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. I got the highmat the exact same as ryans, So I don't see why it shouldn't work.
  2. Couldn't you at least changed the defualt warezed desktop before posting your screenie?
  3. See here --> http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6295 RVMi is and has been having issues with SP3, espescially the VLK version. I will run a test but beyond that I am not wasting my time on the integrator untill siginet releases a better version that isn't flagged as a vrus by alot of AV's and fixes the long list of bugs in the current one.
  4. Actual phrase: 01101111011010000010000001100110011101010110001101101011001000000110111101100110 0110011000100000011011000110111101101100 Figure that out...
  5. 1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d Been Way too long!!
  6. Umm I only updated files. I didn't change any routines at all. I will run ANOTHER test with just it tonight and see what happens.
  7. I am working on a Vista version now... As fro right now all you need todo is disable mmm (PowerTweaK Menu) with startup CPL or ccleaner, whatever.
  8. Becuase the guy who "made" them stole them from someone else and posted it as his own without testing or fixing the problem. If you look at his info on the left side you will see he was banned some time ago.
  9. Here is a compiled sfx file that will do it for you. Kinda messy I know but it works!!! Vista SP1 only! Just extract then run the exe. Also if you wanna see how it works you can open the .exe with winrar and see how it's setup.
  10. nikola8 = did you install EVERYTHING?? i.e. = Alky, IE7, WMP11 AND the SideBar???
  11. http://www.wpiw.net It is a install manager, you add all the info and files then it runs all your installs for you.
  12. HEY I gotta nice 7300 gts here made by gigabyte and then overclocked and bios modded by me !!! It still started out as a fairly nice card though...
  13. I dunno if you'll get this one m8 WMP10 is dead to nearly all of us. You can add it via runonce but as we all know it isn't the same...
  14. Like I said I didn't think the asms folder works on win2k. As for a switchless It could be done but it wouldn't include the c++ runtimes...
  15. huh? I use it on win 2k all the time. I dont think the c++ rubtimes get registered at all. Otherwise no issues.
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