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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. Ok MAYBE, Just MAYBE N1k was a tad harsh on post 3. BUT it was spamming which is disallowed in the rules! So he was right to get on Chief about it. Most of the time one post spammers just get the boot. P.S. I like blackVipers guide it is informative (If a little extreme)
  2. Ummmm yeah mona I might do the photo converter but I will not add shareware (Snapashot) or dl mangagers (Ultrasurf) And google better search was pulled by its maker... You would be better off asking for seperate addons in the addon discussion thread.
  3. It's just the sheer number of visual styles it has to process.
  4. HA See!!! Wait a day or two and there is usually another update... Updating now.
  5. Yes it fully takes over the job of notepad. Code made it so that with the proper regentry it takes over the notepad process. Yes I do plan on adding prio just my initial test wasn't too good so I am adding it to the next version.
  6. OH WOW!!! Thats Super NEAT! (Except for the boot menu part) THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!
  7. But I so LOVE throwing my keyboard on the floor ALL of the time I actually prefer wireless. But my gaming preference is RPG so response time isn't that much of a deal for me.
  8. WOW nice to see you here!! Now for the stupid question = How do we change the hardware profiles?
  9. KK I moved it. p;us http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1487 here is another.
  10. Well just remove the button LOL Naw just kidding, can you carefully pop it off and clean it and below it?
  11. Service tweaker yes. Replacer? Hell no. Why use a .net app when the cmd replacer does fine? Thanks Orbit30
  12. Don't be a "DONKEY" some of us like to have the full experience customized. Al your going to get with comments like that is flamed and the author p*ssed off so he quits making them. This is a wonderfull experience provided to a lot of members...
  13. You mean my uberpack without any notepad replacement whatsoever?
  14. The owner and establisher of wincert is in croatia m8.
  15. Yeah overheating?? I had one that did that too. Bad ram?
  16. Grettings! We have so few from the USA here...
  17. I am closing this thread. IF DX10.1 for XP was a real thing I or others would have FOR SURE heard of and been using it. All I have heard of is messed up subsystems and warez sites.... ALSO DO NOT LINK TO WAREZ SITES!!! This is grounds for a vacation if not banning.
  18. They all work for me too. Are you sure you haven't been banned from the server for hammering it with a dl accelerator or fasterfox?
  19. No windows, during setup and installation automatically converts bliss to a bmp formatt.
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