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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. I have a desktop addon but it weighs like 98 pounds and you have to put it together your self http://www.wesellsauder.com/ImgGlobal/Prod...raphs/0/381.jpg Looks kinda like that when done!
  2. Huh? tskill not exist? what os where they using and was in nLited? P.S. Hi ALEN! NO english? OK!
  3. Interesting use of one of the WPI tools. P.S. "tskill robotaskbaricon" will work on all current OS's without the need for an extra app.
  4. Here is a simple Notepad2 replacment pack that will overwrite the standard windows notepad with notepad2. Homepage : http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html Changelog Updated to Code536565 version Included Metapath Size - 274 kb MD5Hash = D950E5F46DAADD8F8140D71F3CB9FD40
  5. http://www.wpiw.net/downloads/addons/Kels_...PL_addon_v1.CAB Size - 1.86 megs MD%Hash = 368C436515CAB763FA415C2D718C0F1B *** LIMITED HOSTING! ***
  6. YAY I found an old 13" monitor for now :X
  7. I will be on very little over the next couple of weeks as my monitor blew. I do have a laptop but it is getting pretty old and slow plus I cannot access any of my files on my main pc
  8. If you woulda looked around you would have found that answer. (Try post 102) HERE
  9. OK let me ask a couple of things here. Are you using an OLD preset from previous versions of nLite? Are you using a fresh source everytime? Didn't you get a answer over at MSFN that solved your issue? I don't remove anything so my preset would do you no good.
  10. To add silent installers in as hotfixes in nlite you copy the following code into notepad and fill in the blanks. Then save as entries_****.ini (Make the **** into the progs name to prevent double file errors) [general] BuildDate = Description = Language = Title = Version = Website = [EditFile] I386\SVCPACK.INF,SetupHotfixesToRun,AddProgram [AddProgram] Program.exe <---- Place the installers name here! Then add the installer into a folder called svcpack in the same directory as the .ini file and rar, zip, 7z or cab them. then simply add as an hotfix in nLite...
  11. N:\New Folder\Kels_Runtimes_addon_v1.5.CAB N:\New Folder\Kels_Uber_Addon_v7.4.CAB N:\New Folder\Kels_CPLBonus_addon_v3.7.CAB These are all rather OLD releases. That MIGHT be your issue but I doubt it. as for which SP3 release? windowsxp_kb936929_sp3_x86_enu.exe 315megs
  12. HA How in the hell do you kill that one? I keep getting stuck there.
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