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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. They will not work on XP x64 the file structure is too different.
  2. Hmmm I can't find the SATA boot drivers though. Whats your service tag? It will greatly simpilify things. (Its on the underside ussually) Did some googling and found out you might have the option in bios to set the SATA drives to be recognized as ide, can you find such an option?
  3. Well you searched better than me I was just going by this: I am very sorry to have mis-stated myself.
  4. I hate to be mean but, like most other companies, Dell has not made ANY XP drivers for your laptop.
  5. http://www.wpiw.net/downloads/VMWareTools.exe Here is a sample I made from your download I got it down to 5.98 megs (Prolly coulda gotten it smaller but I am inna rush ) Just right click and Open with winrar. Use it for your own or make it smaller I dun care which. 7zip is however ALOT better (5.14 megs) And they are not all THAT hard to learn.
  6. Are you sure your WAREZ is not providing you with viruses too??
  7. instmsiw.exe instmsia.exe Delete those. Delete the jap files and and folders and delete the 9x folder, sort through your drivers and keep only the win2k winxp ones. and call the msi directly with the /qn swtch.
  8. Is there a vmware 7 in beta?? WOW goanna hafta look for that.
  9. 7,716 Icons and you couldn't find ANY you liked??? OMG
  10. Plus it doesn't actually do anything. O_o
  11. If your on 64x your options are VERY limited. Try using Reshack on one of the ACTUALL 64bit files. I have an icon pack for download that has several differring sets of Vista icons in it. Surely between the different sets you can find all of the vista icons. http://www.wpiw.net/downloads/icons.rar ( its like 178 megs in size so I hope you don't mind )
  12. They banned me. Thats ok I have the guys phone number and address now. I have someone who will give him a call this week.
  13. OK NOW I AM PISSED!!! I just ran a test with a fresh XP SP2 With no updates or addons. Then I installed Windows Installer 3.1 v2 like it says is required and installed the Full nero With ALL option selected even the stoopid ask toolbar! There was no damn problem or prompt for Visual C++ 2005 SP1 AT ALL. I don't know what warez version or hacked micro\lite version of nero you are using but this is bull**** all of my time you have wasted. Plus I use nero lite from msfn and have never had a problem and I know a couple of people that use the nero micro without any of your issues.
  14. Pinned.... I will clean it up a bit soon but he did do a good job on it... http://www.msfn.org/board/Add-Maker-Nlite-...006-t73008.html <--- Here is a decent alernative for making silent installers.
  15. HELL YEAH!! Solid state all the way. Would be damn quick for your main OS drive...
  16. hmmm a google check for that file seems to only show warez and this thread O_o. Kinda funny that.
  17. Right this addon installs the VMware tools and drivers into your VM installations... It automatically fails at real installtions so no wasted time or messy extra files you can just leave it in after testing...
  18. Ok yadzil look here: If you don't see it then you should try Roguespears runtimes instead as you are the only one who can reproduce this error. Sorry but I have installed Nero 8 At least 50x with the runtimes installed.
  19. It allows you to drag and drop files from your workstation to the VM for one. Umm lets see what else mouse, sound and video acceleration. Easily moving of the mouse between workstation and VM. Yeah ricktendo designed one of the lite packs. (His still has the windows.iso on it though. Thats just for drivers and tools it's not a REAL windows image)
  20. Right 1 error and pfwoom the whole thing goes up in smoke...
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