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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. You said the 500's first and then mentioned the one in you torrent machine and I assumed you had another 500 there also. I shoulda read your sig.
  2. YAY I am gonna pour a buket of water in my tower n....
  3. Lol I missed your post there for a moment. Yeah 64 bit blows
  4. 55c WOW thats pretty high. But hey some of my drives had run higher than that for a long while before I found HDTune...
  5. Mine are all running at 35 - 39c right now. Is the spacing the same? Is the WD drive sitting on or near the bottom?
  6. ricktendo has absolutly NOTHING todo with Longhorn Tansformation pack. I did GOOGLE search for you and the simple easy todo search came up with http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/OS-Enh...nsforming.shtml Plus LOTS of other links to it.
  7. Cannot fully be done. You can change a couple of registry strings and files to say 6.0 but Winver and others will still say 5.2.
  8. THAT THINGS HUGE! Where in the hell on a hard drive am I supooesed to put it much less fit 6 of them in my tower...
  9. http://gfxwars.com/index.php?showtopic=42
  10. http://www.sokoolz.com/addons/r64/alky_for...s_1.0_winxp.rar
  11. OMG this is really sad. They don't make drivers for their own SH*T?!!?! Man I am sooo sorry.
  12. Greetings! I love XP and hate Vista as much as possible.
  13. I have had that error with WMP11 slipstreamer also. It's fairly random. I always do sp3 or Ryans pack #1 then IE7 #2 with all of my other addons in there like the soon attached picture. I add WMP11 seperately last as a final proccess.
  14. http://www.windows-now.com/files/folders/e...entry20940.aspx Found some from Vista starter edition.
  15. Hey no prob at least you guys wern't out right saying it's my fault.
  16. I know that part it is the i386 folder part I was "Whating" over....
  17. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT??!?!!!?! Does it really do that? Cool...
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