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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. On the Vista thing it is do-able it seemes to be taking a big sh*t at the register dlls section.
  2. Since you can't seem to stop typing all in capitols I have givin you a 3 day suspension to your posting abilities.
  3. Sorry this one was diiscontinued. Please go here ----> http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=2358 and pick up the silent installer. And then go here for instructions on making an addon with it if you need it as an addon --- http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=2356
  4. What is your problem with yelling? (Typing all in CAPITOLS) Can't you learn not to do it?
  5. OK Just installed Vista rc1 build 6001 ultimate and I see no new wallpapers comparing it to your pack MrNxDmX. rar'ed file size is 43.4 megs so I don't think there are really any new ones. I can upload them though if you want to double check me.
  6. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww gee shucks mister....
  7. I am dl'ing the integrated Vista W\SP1 right now (Legit I am onMSDN ) I will install it and get the walls off of it then. give me a couple hours.
  8. 1600x1200 Here and I resolve to make more **** addons
  9. PC Security 6.4 /S <---- Note it is a CAPITOL S @ LUZR He is looking for switches he was all over msfn with these posts.
  10. Hessam you do this all over MSFN and I will not allow it here please use better topic titles. Also you need to face that some apps cannot be configured without extraction. You have been warned.
  11. I know I had cancelled the old one but I have decided to rebuild this using the regentry format! Website: http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/ Size - 435kb Hash = F91D36BAA7DE3244630268FB3F3A7FB8 The updated help file has been included...
  12. eXPander eXPander <---- Needs .net 2 to work! Size - 30.8 kb MD5Hash = 74EA8468622060861271AA8546419A70 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DllRegister DllRegister <---- Needs .net 2 to work! Size - 26.4 kb MD5Hash = 7A9B8A48B9CE6AC0ECEF68D93F17CC76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All-in-One Has the following in it: DllRegister, eXPander, Reg File Merger, Reshacker Script Creator and Shrink it! A-i-O <---- Needs .net 2 to work! Size - 178 kb MD5Hash = 3DB313DCF09441A85C30EEEAA6E0C9A5 Quote from the MSFN page = http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=82191 Shrink It! Download Shrink It! lets you reduce the size of images with ease. Current version: 1.0 Beta 2 eXPander Download eXPander is a front-end for expand and makecab which lets you expand and compress Windows files with ease. Current version: 1.5 Final Reg File Merger Download Reg File Merger lets you merge multiple registry files into a single one. Current version: 1.0 Beta DLL Register Download Dll Register is a front-end for regsvr32 which lets you register dynamic-link libraries and ActiveX controls in the registry with ease. Current version: 1.0 Beta Reshacker Script Creator Download RSC lets you create Reshacker scripts with ease. Current version: 1.0 Alpha You must have the .NET 2.0 Framework installed for these utilities to function. Note: Discussion about the .NET Framework will not be tolerated.
  13. http://www.wpiw.net/downloads/addons/Kels_...er_addon_v1.CAB <---- Needs .net 2 to work! Size - 26.4 kb MD5Hash = 7A9B8A48B9CE6AC0ECEF68D93F17CC76 Personally I prefer the regtweak to but it was a super easy addon so here ya go!
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