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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. Slipstreamer features: Complete WMP11 integration into Windows installation source from the standard Microsoft installer. Complete integration of WMP11 hotfixes (those are available at the bottom of this page). Different configurations for integration (details below). Custom icons for wmplayer.exe (details below). Can run unattended in a batch file or from the command line (execute WMP11Slipstreamer.exe /? to see a full list of command line parameters). Can also be run by nLite as part of its customization procedure.
  2. Ummmmmmmm o.O Its already a feature of nLite and the WMP 11 slipstreamer. They do work in conjunction with each-other.
  3. Replace program.exe with the name of your installer (including the extension). Replace -switch with the desired switch(es) to be used. Many switches of different programs can be found here. For a full silent 7-Zip install you add: It's not needed any more to add StartX.exe, msistub.exe or other supplementary tools. Then "waiting" is enabled by default for 'RunProgram=', unless 'nowait:' parameter is used. Also reg-files aren't needed any more. They can be configured in the Config.txt. For a Register Entry (If you use a lot of Register Entries it's smart to use the parameter SetEnvironment to save time): Keep this in mind: you MUST use DOUBLE backslashes (\\) wherever you normally use backslashes (\) (e.g. in paths or dialog texts). Similarly, if the Value contains double quotes ("), you MUST precede them with a backslash (\"). Now, your Config.txt looks like this: You can add, edit and remove lines if you want. * All available configuration parameters and other helpful information can be found here (site is just translated from Russian to English). 8. Save Config.txt with UTF-8 encoding by selecting "UTF-8" from the dropdown menu in the "Save As..." dialog in Notepad. 9. Make a Create.cmd in the same folder as the Config.txt and past the following: 10. Rename Program_Name to your own program name and run your Create.cmd. 11. Congratulations: you have guaranteed the littlest 7-Zip Installer as possible. Tool: Utility that can extract 7z archive and config file (Config.txt) as well as SFX module (7zsd.sfx) from 7z SFX archive. It has the name 7z SFX Archive Splitter (from the 7z SFX creator) and you can download it here (always linked to latest version). EnJoy.
  4. Repackaged, fully silent and tested! With the help of several forum members this addon now does the following: Disables the Java Quick Start utility Removes the update check (Even removes the tab for update checking) PLUS insted of installing JRE as a seperate version it will now update the existing installation!!! (I always HATED that part) Packaged on 2011/02/17 Switches used = /qn ADDLOCAL=ALL IEXPLORER=1 MOZILLA=1 SYSTRAY=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 MODIFYREMOVE=modify This is the config entry = ;!@Install@!UTF-8! GUIMode="2" RunProgram="Java6u17.msi /qn ADDLOCAL=ALL IEXPLORER=1 MOZILLA=1 SYSTRAY=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 MODIFYREMOVE=modify" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c \"%programfiles%\\Java\\jre6\\bin\\jqs.exe\" -unregister" RunProgram="regedit /s java.reg" ;!@InstallEnd@! With this reg file: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy] "EnableAutoUpdateCheck"=hex:01,00,00,00,d0,8c,9d,df,01,15,d1,11,8c,7a,00,c0,4f,\ c2,97,eb,01,00,00,00,9e,9b,bf,c2,27,b9,97,4f,9e,f0,76,37,a6,00,59,2b,00,00,\ 00,00,1c,00,00,00,50,00,61,00,73,00,73,00,77,00,6f,00,72,00,64,00,20,00,44,\ 00,61,00,74,00,61,00,00,00,10,66,00,00,00,01,00,00,20,00,00,00,dc,20,72,03,\ cd,3e,fb,cf,34,34,20,b4,69,52,58,ce,54,aa,93,6e,ed,44,31,b7,64,70,e3,1e,67,\ 3a,81,c5,00,00,00,00,0e,80,00,00,00,02,00,00,20,00,00,00,19,16,10,6f,3a,80,\ e2,41,b7,60,ac,08,9b,3e,ca,86,ac,d8,6a,a2,ef,46,80,3b,ff,c8,f2,07,00,8c,23,\ a3,10,00,00,00,66,88,0e,7c,44,3c,ef,7b,ab,f0,2e,9a,87,17,34,48,40,00,00,00,\ 6d,e8,dc,6a,1a,a5,5c,41,c5,d8,dc,6d,7d,c7,45,c3,3b,e5,57,d8,33,c5,ba,3c,9e,\ 16,15,38,30,d7,1b,d0,93,b0,e0,24,9a,44,ba,39,c5,aa,e4,cc,71,53,8b,b2,ba,f8,\ e5,02,0d,d0,a5,be,e4,db,30,a0,aa,e4,5d,fc [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy] "EnableAutoUpdateCheck"=dword:00000000 "EnableJavaUpdate"=dword:00000000 "NotifyDownload"=dword:00000000 "NotifyInstall"=dword:00000000 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "SunJavaUpdateSched"=- "How did I get the .msi and related files?" Run the bare installer and after it extracts, but before you agree to install, goto the %appdata% dir then back one dir and into the locallow folder, sun folder then you will find the .msi and files in there. Once you get there run this command: msiexec.exe /a jre***.msi targetdir=%homedrive%\Admin /qb (Note you MUST create the Admin dir at the root of c: first.) Then 7zip up the files\folders in the admin folder... NOW FOR THE INSTALLERS!!! .... Size = 11.5 megs MD5Hash = f35d97ce4613c600dc3bd72ff852fe9c Sorry no addon no more it is wayy too easy for you to make an entries file for yourself. Plus the integrator takes switchless installers now....
  5. Homepage = http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html Size - 32.2 megs MD5Hash = E3649E8AC6BB2FC0DBD4437CCC0E6B12 Speedlaunch startup entry has been disabled and it does not create a desktop shortcut...
  6. To add silent installers in as hotfixes in nlite you copy the following code into notepad and fill in the blanks. Then save as entries_****.ini (Make the **** into the progs name to prevent double file errors) [general] Title = Version = Description = Language = BuildDate = Website = [EditFile] I386\SVCPACK.INF,SetupHotfixesToRun,AddProgram [AddProgram] Program.exe <---- Place the installers name here! Then add the installer into a folder called svcpack in the same directory as the .ini file and rar, zip, 7z or cab them. then simply add as an hotfix in nLite... As for the RVM integrator it now takes switchless installers just as they are.
  7. You are going to have to do a full reformatt and if you're going to use sp3 and the sidebar then INTEGRATE the neccessary components pre-install as hotfixes in nLite.
  8. I like totally hung out at the mall with like all my friends and we like so totally had soo much like fun yeah!!! MSFN, RyanVM's and now here. Like Yeah.
  9. DO NOT use the report button to get attention!!! People will see this thread. Next time you'll be banned...
  10. Yeah Plus they block right clicking and all sorts of other stuff.
  11. Nothings better than being a Boobie m8 (.)(.) !!
  12. Hello we all were noobs at one time or another..
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