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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. RefreshLock Homepage = http://www.pagehosting.co.uk/rl/ RefreshForce HomePage = http://www.pagehosting.co.uk/rf/ ____________________________________________________________________________ Size - 326 kb MD5Hash = 20A035D51D55E44956E0B841D160FBE5 Initial release with custom made icon! Caution can be dangerous! I take no responsibility if your monitor or vid card go PHWOOOM!!!
  2. Hmmmm I don't have the time to look now but it does look pretty informative.
  3. OMG hahahahahahahahahhahaahhaa. LOOK I FOUND A DEAD PIXEL! Lets bury it!
  4. I get the same version as is in the addon here.... Fresh SP2 install.
  5. HEY ricktendos link isn't working I call foul this contest is rigged! But I love that wolf pic in jurgen's, care to share?
  6. MINE I Call IT!!!! I will make an addon for it...
  7. Hahahahhahahahh Welcome.
  8. Redownload I did a silent update that shoulda fixed it...
  9. http://www.teamserra.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=18 i'm on it!
  10. If you would read a few posts back you would have found your answer...
  11. oh **** I will fix that when I get home thanks.
  12. Look for the picture that says "Download" on it and click that...
  13. OK a very kind member has donated some hardware and its on the way. But I have been told I need a PCI-Express video card. I really don't need anything special right now just a plain ol 256meg one will do (Newegg has a bunch for under 50bucks) I LOVE nVidia BTW. The new board IS PCI-E x 16 capable so can someone lend me a hand please?
  14. DO you have cabarc and modifype? I think we may be missing cabarc. I don't know how to run a vbs script through an inf so I will ask rick when he awakens if he knows.
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