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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. ooops it makes no mention of that at the pages description for it.
  2. urp I just threw up a bit.... Hey it does resemble Vista rather closely though. ricks goanna be pissed if he didn't give this guy permission though.
  3. OK here is the best and safest way I have found. #1 You can only replace the #1 .bmp with a 16bit 640x480 file. #2 Don't use direct replacement, it is too risky. #3 Modify your ntoskrnl.exe with your custom bitmap and save it as oemkrnl.exe. #4 Using $OEM$ folders, txtsetup methods, runonce or however you know you can do it get it copied to your system32 dir. #5 save the following as a .cmd file and run it via cmdlines, runonce or whatever. bootcfg /RAW /A /Kernel=OEMKrnl.exe /ID 1 bootcfg /Timeout 0
  4. Updated now I removed the npptools as it kept causing that error.
  5. [Program.DelShortcut2] Name =%PROG_NAME%,0x00000003 SubDir=Accessories\System tools You actually need 2 delete shortcut sections for some god awful reason. Other that that it looks good.
  6. Welcome to our little dungeon of windows torture!
  7. v2 Log: Memtest v4.0 Whatinstartup v1.25 Cleaned out the extra icons from cplbonus.dll ClearType PowerToy CPL MemTest v4.0 CPL Microsoft AutoPlay Repair Wizard CPL TweakUI PowerToy CPL User Accounts 2 CPL WhatInStartup v1.25 CPL Size - 296kb kb MD5Hash = d39b0ccf13f3876c8cc46f474fc6d377 ....
  8. Metapath was an explorer addition to notepad2. These are the only changes\differences. I love notepad2 and don't like notepad++.
  9. yeah its npptools.dll just delete that file. I will do that in the addons later tonight.
  10. Here it is the great original TweakUI for Win2k Just google the danm thing if you actually don't know what it is (The official site and support ended loooooong ago) Size - 73.5 kb MD5Hash = D1DB28F1FE71B3903CDD35EB8C6C2648
  11. Ok I decided to post my personal extras addon for Windows 2000. DirLister v0.9.1 ----> http://www.krksoft.com/index.php Icon Transparency v42 ----> http://www.annoyances.org/exec/software/transparent Lupas Rename 2000 v5.0 ----> http://rename.lupasfreeware.org/ Regalyzer v1.5.5 ----> http://www.safer-networking.org/en/regalyzer/index.html TimeSync v2.0 ----> http://www.ravib.com/timesync/ Uninstall Tool v1.6.6 ----> http://www.crystalidea.com/software/utool Universal Silent Switch Finder v1.4.1.1 (Special version no website) Explorer Modified for 256bit tray icons (Absolute latest version possible so it should work on all installs) v5.0.3900.6920 Size - 2.39 megs MD5Hash = 9767481D324E035561536200A6079113
  12. This little bugger makes your desktop icons text transparent like it is in XP and above! http://www.annoyances.org/exec/software/transparent http://www.wpiw.net/downloads/addons/Kels_...Win2k_addon.CAB Size - 12.3 kb MD5Hash = 9FA2EE628E47AAF0B67B17BA5A1DAFBC It has a shortcut placed in your startup folder from the beggining...
  13. Discontinued go here: http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=336
  14. Full list of things that are included. Custom Wallaper applied duiring installation: (Courtesy of Damian666's wall-changer!) v1.7 Change Log Fixed a vunerability in gdiplus.dll with a updated version of the file. (Thanks kurt_aust) Open CMD Here v1.0.5 v1.6 Change Log Regshot v2.0.1.66 Hashtab v2.1.1 Open CMD here v1.0.4 UPXGui v1.8 Notepad2 v3.0.20-rc2 Unlocker v1.8.7 Taskkill v5.1.2600.5512 v1.5 Change Log MAJOR UPDATES! Added Taskkill.exe (Needed for uninstall routines) v5.1.2600.0 Metapath v3.2.0.19 UPXGui v1.6 Fixed missing CLSID4 string HashTab v2.0.8 Made a custom uninstall routine for Unlocker Coupla typo fixes v1.3 Change Log Had to remove MakeCab update :( v1.2 Change Log Wall-cmd was updated to use .jpg files instead of .bmp files... v1.1 Change Log Fixed the missing Wallpaper Changer entries Main Additions Compumatrix WallPaper Changer v2.1 Metapath v3.2.0.19 Microsoft OpenType\TrueType Font Properties Extension v2.30 NotePad2 v3.0.20-rc2 Quicklaunch is now enabled by default. RefreshEM RegShot v2.0.1.66 Replacer v2.63 Taskkill v 5.1.2600.5512 Unlocker v1.8.7 (Includes Unlocker Assistant and is uninstallable) SendTo Menu Additions <-- All Uninstallable! CabTool v1.8 FGCBA v0.897 Reg2Inf v0.46 Resource Hacker v3.4.0.79 UpxGui v1.8 Shell Extensions .dll/.ocx/.ax Register/Unregister Regtweak Advanced .inf install/uninstall Regtweak Back v3 Copy To/Move To Create ISO on right click File Extension Toggle v3 Find Target v3 HashTab v2.0.8 Hidden Files Toggle v3 Mainsoft ClipName v1.2.3 ModifyPE Open CMD Here v1.0.5 Open in a new window Select All v3 Synesis File Case v2.0.2.31 Synesis Run with arguments v2.0.2.32... ...and a custom Power Menu to contain most of the shell extensions Size - 4.38 megs MD5Hash = 29EB2A899BC0DD8746CC10743FCB4FFF SpiritPyres 4 extensions (Back, Hidden Files Toggle, File extensions Toggle and Select all) Can be customized through the following registry file: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SpiritPyre Extensions] Refresh Key=e [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SpiritPyre Extensions\BrowserBack] @=&Back [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SpiritPyre Extensions\FileExtToggle] @=&File Extension Toggle [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SpiritPyre Extensions\HiddenFilesToggle] @=&Hidden Files Toggle [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SpiritPyre Extensions\SelectAll] @=&Select All Just Change the titles to whatever you want and then apply! Brought to you by KelCorp! ......
  15. It doesn't quite replace the standard notepad BUT it does replace all associations to notepad2 and changes the Notepad short with needed changes for notpad2.... Also includes Metapath. http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html Size = 268 kb MD5Hash = 33E69BFABEF508EA1843C37B32D2ECFC
  16. HAHAHAHAHH You tried to install VMWare IN VMWare? Now thats funny.
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