2018 Windows Mega Tweaks
Excellent, I'll focus on the menu interface ones for now (one at a time). I'll report back with what I have tested. Reliability is important so I plan to apply them in a VM first. Thanks for the tips!
2018 Windows Mega Tweaks
Can I apply any or all of these to Server 2012 R2? I'm looking to get the best possible performance and experience out of my server. I see you also have a nice list going for Windows 7. Do those pertain to Server 2012 R2 as well? http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/9625-master-windows-7-tweak-file/ Maybe I shouldn't be tweaking this version of windows at all. Not sure yet..
Regsitry Tweaks Causing NiNite not to work
Sorry, It's the IE tweak called "Enable SSL" I was able to reproduce the error and fix it by manually changing my IE settings. Not sure which SSL (2.0 , 3.0, unchecked, etc.) you actually need turned on but I think this tweak disables the ones you need for ninite to work. I hope that helps.
Regsitry Tweaks Causing NiNite not to work
Thanks bphlpt! I've actually already started doing that. I think I have it narrowed down to either System or Misc tweaks. I'll keep working at it and I'll post back with the solution so I can help others! If a tweak does not apply to Win7, would it hurt to apply it? For example, the welcome center for Vista tweak. Can it cause harm by applying it or just not doing anything at all? I'm asking because I might hav accidently applied tweaks that don't pertain to my OS version and the tweak details do not specify that. Thanks! EDIT: WooohOO! It was an IE tweak!! FYI: Pretty sure you need to keep IE this particular installer to work and probably more. Removing it is NOT recommended from my past experiences.
Regsitry Tweaks Causing NiNite not to work
Hi, That is the new information to me. I had not realized that. It's been removed and will never be used again!! Thank you for that information. Now if we could just get this problem fixed. I must be the first one to encouter this problem or nobody knows why it is happening. Latest PRESET has been uploaded. Thank You. EDIT: I've narrowed it down to a few more. Almost there!! FINAL_V11.ini
Regsitry Tweaks Causing NiNite not to work
Hi, I've tried another configuration without some of the tweaks that I thought may be causing it. Unfortuantately the probelm still exists. I would like to remind that it's not a cmoponent removal causing this problem as I have tested JUST removing components and it worked. Althought it could be combination of a removal AND a reigstry tweak? Attached is my my most recent preset. Thanks, Digital FINAL_V10.ini
Regsitry Tweaks Causing NiNite not to work
Hi, I can't get ninite to work after tweaking the registry with W7T. I thought it was a component removal at first but I did a test run with compononent removal and no registry tweaks and it works fine. I'm not sure which tweak is causing the problem but it's definitely one of them. Could it be one of the internet explorer tweaks?? A system tweak would be my next guess. I have not tweaked any of the services either. Can somebody have a look at my preset?? I've attached a screenshot of the error message that ninite produces as well. Thanks, -Digital FINAL_X64_V2.ini
- is it possible to re-add components that have been removed?
Mount Folders.
Worf, I just downloaded and fired up W7T for the first time on new machine and the W7T folder is NOT there, it must appear when I start doing actual work with the tool. Not sure if that helps or not. Another you should try is going to the setting within W7T and change the file path or the temp directory and others to something else besides C:\ Maybe try path to desktop?? Commit a few minor changes and see what happens. Try and save your preset too! - Digital
- is it possible to re-add components that have been removed?
is it possible to re-add components that have been removed?
Hi again, Is it possible to re-add components I have removed? Specifically I want I to re-add the parental controls component but still keep all the other removals and tweaks. I believe ninite installer requires the web filter portion of parental controls to work properly. I'm getting this error when trying to run ninite: Failed - The connection with the server was reset - 221 My research from here points me to Parental Controls being needed: http://community.kaseya.com/xsp/f/28/p/13249/64690.aspx I now understand that if I want to make additional changes such as add wallapapers, themes or remove more stuff, I just need to NOT LOad my previous preset or any preset at all for that matter. Thanks, -Digital
Mount Folders.
Hi Worf, As I understand it, you will only see data in the with C:\W7T directory while W7toolkit is doing it's magic. I have verfified this with this All-In-One tool but cannot speak for others because I have not tested everything nor do I fully understand how it all works yet. When you say close out the pogram, do you mean hit the "start" button in the upper left hand corner?? -Digital
How do re-edit my image?
ahh, choosing the previous preset I just used must have been the culprit. I'll try that and give it a go! Thanks Legolash2o
New to this tool.
Hi, I reaize this might be a silly question but how do I go back edit an image I have saved? For example, I want to go back and add some themes or wallpapers and make additional registry tweaks. When I go back to do that, I have to remove all of the components over again and go through the whole entire process just to make my changes. I searched around quite a bit but never found a solution. Do I need to uncheck/check some option in W7T? Thanks, -Digital
How do re-edit my image?
Hi, I reaize this might be a silly question but how do I go back edit an image I have saved? For example, I want to go back and add some themes or wallpapers and make additional registry tweaks. When I go back to do that, I have to remove all of the components over again and go through the whole entire process just to make my changes. I searched around quite a bit but never found a solution. Do I need to uncheck/check some option in W7T? Thanks, -Digital
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