[Closed] XPtsp Green Batch v1.4.7.1
I didn't have problems using this addons in this order nLite: Kels_Runtimes_addon AlkyXP1.1 OnePiece_IE8_WinXPSP3 xable_WGAN-v1.6_addon RED_XP_SP3_UpdatePack RVM_Integrator: USBonBoot WMP11Slipstreamer WMP11+updates XPtsp
[Closed] XPtsp Green Batch v1.4.7.1
yes, ieframe.mui it's still compressed and this is why :8ieframemui set name=ieframe set name1=dll set ext=mui set com=mui if not exist "i386\%name%.%com%" set com=mu_ if not exist "i386\%name%.%com%" goto iepeers %xp% "i386\%name%.%com%" "%tmp%\%name%.mui" >nul if exist "i386\%name%.%com%" Del "i386\%name%.%com%" >nul %rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%com%", "%tmp%\%name%.%com%", "%res%\8%name%.%name1%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%name1%.%ext% %pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%com% >nul if exist "i386\%name%.%com%" %cp% /v /y "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%name%.%ext%" goto iepeers %cab% /D CompressionType=LZX /D CompressionMemory=21 "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%name%.mu_" >nul the second bolded line is not executed because "i386\%name%.%com%" was deleted before so it's cabbing the file
[Closed] XPtsp Green Batch v1.4.7.1
I like this method (manual batch addon) better. Dos commands are saints. :type:
[Closed] XPtsp Green Batch v1.4.7.1
@bober: ieframe.mui gets cabbed and it shouldn't.( Link )
[Addon] Internet Explorer 8 ENU True Addon
the addon is integrated on a clean source with nlite I found the culprit. It's XPtsp resource patcher, it's cabbing that file.
[Addon] Internet Explorer 8 ENU True Addon
I'm getting ieframe.mui is missing during setup copying files with 1.3.1 and also with 1.3.2. Could be because of this line in entries_IE8.ini .................... d1,ieframe.dll d1,ieframe.mui,ieframe.mu_ d1,ieframe.mui d1,iepeers.mui d1,ieproxy.dll ....................
[Addon] Kel's UberPacK v16.2 & Notepad2-Mod
@Kelsenellenelvian: error on install [sourceDisksFiles] ........ Cdimage.exe =11 ........ @anyone else that can't install, edit UberPack.inf and change Cdimage.exe =11 to Cdimage.exe =1
[Closed] XPtsp Green Batch v1.4.7.1
current XPtsp is not supporting IE8 and that's why you get those issues.
[Closed] XPtsp Green Batch v1.4.7.1
I think the same way, but you never know
[Closed] XPtsp Green Batch v1.4.7.1
and where I said that it didn't?
[Closed] XPtsp Green Batch v1.4.7.1
suggestion for intro.wmv http://rapidshare.com/files/196778908/intro.wmv
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
:thumbsup_anim: it's working this time THANK YOU mona for your time
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
Thanks but still the same issue. here is what I get and I need that setup.exe tries to launch XPpro\\i386\\WINNT32.exe instead of i386\\WINNT32.exe Please try to make it like the one in the pack with Autoplay folder which contains setup.cdd. You can also give me the source and I'll try to make it how I need it. Which way is easy for U. Thanks for your time
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
@bober: sorry to here that @bober & @mona: I'm building a multiboot dvd and I'll need that autorun menu looks for i386 inside XPpro folder and not on the root. can U recompile a version for this? thanks
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
look here
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