[Tool] DX's Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator
Hi OnePiece, I moved the files from the PRO folder to the root of my FRA updatePack as you proposed and now this part of the windows install works fine. Thank you. Now I have an other issue at the far end of netfx11 install or at the early begining of netfx20 during the windows install from the CD. Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 is installed but not .NET 2.0 and subsequently. I have a strange message in the setupapi.log file : #-167 SPFILENOTIFY_NEEDMEDIA : Label = "", Description = "Windows XP Professional CD2", Chemin source = "I:\i386", Fichier source = "Admin.fr.chm", Indicateurs = 0x00000000. #E169 SPFILENOTIFY_NEEDMEDIA : renvoi de FILEOP_ABORT. Erreur 1223: L'opération a été annulée par l'utilisateur. #W187 L'installation a échoué. La restauration des fichiers originaux est tentée.Contrary to what is stated in the message, I have not canceled the operation and I am installing a Microsoft Windows XP Home edition. Please could you tell me the investigations that I could begin, to understand the origin of this error. Many thanks in advance for your help. Ciao
[Tool] DX's Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator
Yes, you are right bphlpt, I made two install CD's, one with the ENU OnePiece Windows XP UpdatePack and the other one with a FRA OnePiece Windows XP UpdatePack I built with DXUPAC, in order to compare results because my FRA build doesn't work properly during the Windows install. The setupapi.log and the setupact.log are produced during the Windows graphical installation phase. As already mentionned the setupapi.log contains : #-175 SPFILENOTIFY_COPYERROR: Source = "I:\i386\wlnotifi.dll", Cible = "C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogonnotification.dll"...and the setupact.log contains : I:\i386\wlnotifi.dll n'a pas pu être copié vers C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogonnotification.dll. Le code d'erreur spécifique est 0x4c7.in French, I am sorry. The only differences I have between both CD's are the already mentionned files present or not in the i386 folder. I also noticed that theses files are in the "root" of the ENU OnePiece Windows XP UpdatePack and in the PRO folder of my FRA OnePiece Windows XP UpdatePack. I hope these explanations will help you to understand the origin of the issue. Many thanks in advance.
[Tool] DX's Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator
Hi OnePiece, I started from a clean French CD with only SP3 slipstreamed. When I use the ENU OnePiece Windows XP UpdatePack (v6.2.0), the files : "rdpinit.exe, rdpinit.mui, rdpshell.exe, rdpshell.mui, rspndr.adm, rspndr.inf, sdbus.inf, tsallow.mof, tspubwmi.dll, wlnotifi.dll" are in the i386 folder. The install works but, of course, I have a mix of french and english. When I use my own FRA OnePiece Windows XP UpdatePack (v6.2.0 again), these files are not in the i386 folder. The install is not completed and most of the addons are not installed. The file setupapi.log mentions : #-175 SPFILENOTIFY_COPYERROR: Source = "I:\i386\wlnotifi.dll", Cible = "C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogonnotification.dll"... Many thanks in advance for your answer. Ciao
[Tool] DX's Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator
Hello, My plan is to build a French OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack. I collected all the hotfix installers and additional components listed in Onepiece's AIO UpdatePack topics for XP (6.2.0). I encounter the following issue with KB961742-v3. Files: "rdpinit.exe, rdpinit.mui, rdpshell.exe, rdpshell.mui, rspndr.adm, rspndr.inf, sdbus.inf, tsallow.mof, tspubwmi.dll, wlnotifi.dll"are copied into the OnePiece PRO folder and when I created my Windows installation with RyanVM Integrator these files disappear. The installation doesn't work. Many thanks in advance for your help. Regards
Windows Genuine Advantage True AddOn ITA
Hi, The download of OnePiece WGA Validation v1.9.40.0 AddOn doesn't work. Many thanks in advance for your answer.
[Tool] DX's Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator
Hello, I applied your recommendations. All seems to work fine. Many thanks for your help. I have not been able to find KB970159 (User-Mode Driver Framework version 1.9 update for Windows Media Player 11) but I found on the net a "package" containing WMP11 with the hotfix included.Please see : http://www.wincert.n...er-11-kb970159/ Do you think it is a good solution or not ? Many thanks in advance for your answer. Ciao
[Tool] DX's Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator
Hello, I applied your recommendations : - the issues with KB950305 v2 and langpack are solved. Thanks a lot for your help. - I removed KB873374 (Microsoft GDI+ Detection Tool) according to your recommendation. - Now the only issues remaining are the "Command line option syntax error" for KB931125 (Roots Update) and KB2728973 (Revoked Roots Update). I have a question about DXUPACFG.ini. I guess it is is a way to automate the package creator. What are the informations that DXUPACFG.ini manages and where we need to put this file? I din't find any description on the forum. Many thanks in advance for your help. Ciao
- [Tool] DX's Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator
[Tool] DX's Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator
Hello, My plan is to build a French OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack. I collected all the hotfix installers and additional components listed in Onepiece's AIO UpdatePack topics for XP. Among the 275 components processed by the Pack Creator, I found the following issues : - "Command line option syntax error" for KB873374 (Microsoft GDI+ Detection Tool), KB931125 (Roots Update) and KB2728973 (Revoked Roots Update). - KB950305 v2 (Windows2000-XP-2003-KB950305-v2-x86-ENU.exe) and langpack (langpack.exe) are not processed (nothing in the Archive_Files folder). Which is very few, congratulation Nonno ! All the rest seems to work fine. Please could you say me how to solve these issues? Many thanks in advance for your answer.
[Tool] DX's Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator
Hello, Thanks a lot Nonno for the job. Grazie mille. DXUPAC works fine on my 7 laptop but doesn't work on my XP desktop. Nothing happens : no "Archive_file" folder created as DXUPAC were not able to extract the files and of course no output. I think the issue is trivial. Please could you say me what I need to check. Many thanks in advance for your help and your answer.
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