Kel, I am not able to get the CPL AIO 8.2.1 to install on XP SP3 5512 (Fresh baseline XP). I am using only two other addon's which are One Piece IE7 and a DirectX 9.0 3.4 update from redxii. I am using nlite to add this to my install. I tried a install without the 8.2.1 CPL addon and everything works fine. When I do use your addon the XP shell is the "windows 95" classic shell. Also CPL is not in add remove nor is there any signs of the CPL addon in Control Panel itself. It also seems to break the LUNA XP theme. I cannot enable The default XP theme at all. OOBE also does not work with your addon. all was fine until I went to SP3, had no problems ever with SP2 and your packs. update: Seems OnePiece IE7 was at fault (even that it did work) I used another IE7 addon and all is good.