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Everything posted by abbodi1406

  1. Only this file? i don't think it's worth the trouble Wintoolkit's cleanup feature deletes all *.log files in Windows directory although, this MSDTC.LOG file is not actually a text log file, it's just a plain stream file
  2. You will have install.esd file in the iso not install.wim
  3. A copy of C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log file would be helpful does the folder C:\Windows\WinSxS\Backup have files or it's empty? sfc error doesn't always means that the actual files in use is corrupted, sometimes the backups affected only
  4. If he used latest dotNetFx452_Full_LDR_x86_x64_Slim.exe, it's already includes all .NET 4.5 updates, so no need for them separately
  5. As soon as new updates founded the big one would be after monthly patch tuesday you can see or monitor the changes Here
  6. Both addons works for Both Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 but the Full as noted, require enabling .NET 3.5 Framework in Windows 8/8.1, because Managed Code relies on .NET 2.0 (part of 3.5)
  7. It's not working for me somehow, i got the same result with or without it next to WinToolkit.exe i made the test on install.wim without DVD
  8. I would say it's permanent
  9. .NET 3.5.1 updates has nothing to do with this addon, separate products as for the other two KB2972107 and KB2979578, they are icluded in the hotfix rollup and should not be showing in WU the ini file have the cause, you used older addon #AddonsD:\Test\Win7\WTK\AddOn\dotNetFx452_x64.Windows7.AddOn.Regular.20140920.WA
  10. Well, the detailed recipe is not easy to explain, but it depends mainly on any install monitor program to capture the changes in files and registry for me i use Total Uninstall 6 Portable and after that the captured registry keys will need some slight modifications to suite things up
  11. It's not recommended to change it, certain system function relies on it (like wmic.exe)
  12. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIM_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
  13. Nothing different, mine is kind of preinstall the package manually and saves install time later ricktendo's and yumeyao's install the package after installing the system regarding managed code, don't know for sure
  14. - Never haved Vista, therefore, no - If the mechanism is still like Windows 8.x, yes i could and probably will
  15. Yes it makes an important difference regarding how junction points and symbolic links are captured / managed inside the wim don't know the exact details or behavior, but the option RP_FIX is always set in microsoft releases (all wim files), that should be a strong clue Edit: here's a clear explanation i think: http://blogs.technet.com/b/zhou_minxiao/archive/2007/04/05/what-is-norpfix-switch-and-what-does-it-do.aspx so, it's necessary, but neither two options affect size
  16. I recommend checking for %MOUNT%\Windows\winsxs\pending.xml if exist, StartComponentCleanup process will not work and regarding SPSuperseded, it's useful only for Win7 RTM + SP1 i don't think we will see Service Packs for Windows anymore
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