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  1. Drive.info fixed for CPU n Hard disk Usage. Now checks every 15 mins See this post
  2. Thx "wrx" for the trick Much appreciated
  3. I found that using DriveInfo Gadget uses so much CPU...After searching the net i found the edited gadget for the same. It was checking disks in 1sec intervals which i think is completely unnecessary. So i edited gadget a bit so that it updates itself each 15 mins . Highly recommended if u dont want lot of disk/cpu activity ; ). I also edited my favourite drive icon. I hope u like this updated gadget DOWNLOAD here Preview: Edit: Updated links
  4. Rick n others ... u have done great work here ... n thx for sidebar also I m having hard time to figure out how to use this gadget. I have installed it successfully, I can even access diskcopy options but how do i BURN dvd , iso , ? When i drag drop ISO in the gadget it gives me msg that " Your compilation cant be written on this kind of disk bla bla bla ",while i inserted blank RW DVD ? Thanks for any help n keep up the great work EDIT: Is this gadget only for copying purpose as the name implies ? or i can use it to burn DATA dvds etc. ?