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mimik reacted to geodasoft in [Repak] Universal Extractor Extractor
Universal Extractor 2016.04.05
TridDefs.trd 6726 2016.04.05
zpaq.exe 7.05 * 2016.04.04
VandIT thank you
Features: Includes updates and program improvements by gora, SendTo shortcut is on by default, Quick Launch only offered to Vista or bellow
MD5: 4354d6f268cac50232d7d31371972b9b
SHA-256: f9e2ea3cc005b5ffeb077b9e320c08c60ba88111372ad97fa9a11ebcf9d0f382
SHA-1: 690eee9bfa85323fb9670b53bb7b081a752d3bf4
CRC32: c54d4df6
Size: 9.75 MB
mimik reacted to kanyos in [Modded] DriverPack Solution 16.2 + PhysXSource: drp16.2.zip
Released: 09-Feb-2016
Homepage: DRP
About: Designed to simplify the driver installation and updating process to a couple of clicks.
- autorun.ini
- DrvUpdater.exe
- Translation files
- Programs list inside Settings.js, except PhysX
- replaced old CPU-Z with latest version
- rebuild Backuper\Packer without Adware
- Disable Restore Point inside config.js --> restorePoint = false;
- Disable Automatic Update inside config.js --> autoUpdate = false;
- PhysX AiO installer [Inno Setup] inside Soft folder
File: drp16.2_mod+physx.zip
Size: 57,6MB
MD5: 99185C997FA261D078766CD419D6E26A
Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?2fpafvo7c6eomvc
mimik reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] VMware Workstation Lite 12.1.0-3272444Updated (mirror)
mimik reacted to ricktendo in [Tweaked] Skype (Multilanguage)Updated
mimik reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] Microsoft Silverlight 5.1.41212Updated
mimik reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] Universal Extractor
mimik reacted to ricktendo in [Tweaked] Skype (Multilanguage)Now its truly updated to 106
mimik reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] Universal Extractor, will update soon
Edit: Updated 1.9.9 (thank you gora for continuing to support this awesome app)
Somebody needs to look at the English.ini file and update what the Russian.ini added (I would but I don't have the time)
4.6.1 English installer updated with HF Rollup KB3120241
With work and being sick have not had time to do LP's, maybe this weekend
mimik reacted to ricktendo in [Tweaked] Skype (Multilanguage)Updated
Intl packs take hours to do, need to find the energy too
mimik reacted to ricktendo in [Tweaked] Skype (Multilanguage)Updated
mimik reacted to ricktendo in [Tweaked] Skype (Multilanguage)Sorry for the delays lately, been busy with work... Updated skype installer
Also posted the vbs I use for editing so others can do it themselves if they please. This is only for business MSI but could work on regular, if you want the update service removed in the (regular installer ONLY) un-comment out line 118-119
4.6.1 slim added, intl and repack tools will follow later in the week
mimik reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] Adobe Shockwave Player
mimik reacted to ricktendo in [Legacy] .NET Framework AIO for XP x86 (1-10-2016)Changelog
2.0: 3097988, 3106990
4.0: 3097994, 3098778, 3106994
mimik reacted to ricktendo in [Slim] .NET Framework 4 Full x86/x64 (1-10-2016)Updated
Off Topic:
mimik reacted to ricktendo in [Tweaked] Skype (Multilanguage)Updated
mimik reacted to ricktendo in [Tweaked] Skype (Multilanguage)Updated
mimik reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] Adobe Shockwave Player
mimik reacted to ricktendo in [Tweaked] Skype (Multilanguage)Updated
Add: 3088957 (HOTFIX ROLLUP)
Rem: *
mimik reacted to bphlpt in [Slim] .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64 (2-27-2016)No. v4.6, and v4.5x, supersedes and replaces v4.0, and v4.6 supersedes and replaces v4.5x. But v4.0 is the last version that can be installed on XP.
Cheers and Regards
mimik reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] VMware Workstation Lite 12.1.0-3272444UPDATED!!!