Mavilim: Issue
Can be deleted.
Mavilim: Issue
I fix the the problem :type: The problem was that virtulbox came in default setup with VDI (Virtualbox Disk Image) selected. When VHD (Virtual Hard Disk) is selected, the problem is fixed. I think this became a good experience for WT7 users
Mavilim: Issue
Hi again, I think i have resolved "select mount path ..." window problem. For now i have no trouble with it. I'll let you know if i have the same problem. The main issue still continues. I do not use unattended creator and this is the real problem. Although i have never used unattended creator, virtualbox still gives the below error in the picture during windows setup. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/585/81699650.jpg/ In english: "The prduct key entered does not match to any windows image in the set up process. Enter a different product key.
ViStart Türkçe Aero
Bu programın win8 desteği varmı?
Java Runtime Environment v7u17 - Güncelleme / 09.04.2013
Güzel çalışma teşekkürler .
Mavilim: Issue
Hi, Legolash2o I became a member to this forum to find solution to problems and errors that i have with W7T v102rc. I have below problems that i cannot find solutions in w7t 102rc: a) First, i extracted windows 7 iso image file to a folder. i clicked on W7T -> "Populer" -> "WIM Manager" -> "Browse for WIM" and from the folder "sources" -> "install.wim" c) I selected the version (such as professional) i wanted and deleted others with "delete image". I selected the windows version and clicked on "mount image". d) At this point, w7T gives "select mount path ..." question window. I have the first important problem here! When w7T asks this question, which folder should i choose? If the same folder is selected, w7T gives "same path" warning. When a different empty folder is selected, process continues. It creates a temporary folder which has some files and folders with "Program Files, Windows config.sys, autoexec" names. e) I continue the process. It goes directly to the main window with "Other tools" -> "All in One tools" I close w7t window after making necessary tweaks. Ps: I wanna mention that the absence of "exit button" and turning off the program with * sign gives the feeling to the user that is making a mistake! W7T will be better if an "exit button" is added. f) I make the folder an iso file by using IMgBurn with this link: (http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=11194) And i test it in virtualbox. When setup windows, it gives the error in the below every time. I could not get rid of this error whatever i did! "The prduct key entered does not match to any windows image in the set up process. Enter a different product key." :please: Ps: In the previous versions, there were no entered product keys. Is there a need to enter a product key for every process in w7t v102rc? Is this a new feature? When i get this error, i tried to enter sample serial keys that is given in populer-> Unattended creator -> serial keys for windows (profession). However, i had the same mistake. I look forward for suggestions on this issue.
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