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5eraph last won the day on January 24 2010

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About 5eraph

  • Birthday 02/17/1975

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  • Location
    Riverview, MI
  • OS
    Windows XP Pro x64
  • Country
    United States

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  • NIM

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  1. NIM

    Thanks for donating to WinCert.net!

  2. Thanks for the linkage, rick.
  3. It doesn't matter. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
  4. No, you can always undervolt the fan with your controller to reduce its speed. Most fan controllers are simple potentiometers (they vary circuit resistance to drop the voltage). My suggestion to you is to choose the fan with the loudest noise that you can tolerate, then use your controller to reduce its speed when you want it silenced. General tips: [*]If you keep your tower on your desk then choose the quietest fan that does the job. Personally, I'd never put my tower on the desk
  5. Happy birthday.
  6. That is normal with YumeYao's Clean style IE8 addon. If you want no errors in SetupErr.log then use the No Setuperr style IE8 addon.
  7. It's not polite to post direct links to other people's files without permission. But I will give you links to their respective release threads: XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack for Windows XP Post-SP3 by user_hidden Internet Explorer 8 for XP/2k3 by YumeYao
  8. Radio Shack used to sell generic, variable-output AC to DC adapters 20 years ago for electronic projects. I don't know if they still do, but it may be worth checking.
  9. I'm glad to see that they recognize your skills. Too many places now have temp workers that need to rely on "the book" far too often for troubleshooting and repair. I hope they call you again.
  10. As large as it is, this list does not include every game I've ever played. Each of the following was my favorite at one time or other, ordered chronologically from childhood to adult. Game platform is specified where appropriate. Multiple games in a series are listed only once under the series name when I first liked it. With the exceptions of Oblivion and Dead Space (still working on them), if the game has an ending then I've played through to see it. My all-time favorite is bulleted. Speak & Spell (The original. Yes, really.)Phoenix (arcade, Atari 2600) Dig Dug (arcade, Atari 400) Killer Bees! (Odyssey
  11. I have replied to this on RyanVM.net.
  12. 5eraph

    New Rig

    Probably not, N1K. Your motherboard may not support that speed directly, but you may be able to clock your RAM above 1333 by creatively adjusting (overclocking) your CPU speed and multiplier.
  13. We can nest most of the code within a couple more If statements to skip TXT and HTML files: if /I NOT "!FILENAMECHECK:~-4!"==".txt" ( if /I NOT "!FILENAMECHECK:~-5!"==".html" ( I also simplified your Microsoft Security Essentials file processing using the variable !SETUPPATH!, which allows you to make similar adjustments to files you may add in the future. Here is the final code with all modifications. It is untested. set /a NUM=0 if not exist "%WIM%\Windows\Setup\Updates" mkdir "%WIM%\Windows\Setup\Updates" >nul FOR %%f IN ("*.*") DO ( set "FILENAMECHECK=%%f" if /I NOT "!FILENAMECHECK:~-4!"==".txt" ( if /I NOT "!FILENAMECHECK:~-5!"==".html" ( set /a ROENUM=!NUM!*5 If !ROENUM! LSS 10 (set "ROESTR=00!ROENUM!") ELSE ( If !ROENUM! LSS 100 (set "ROESTR=0!ROENUM!") ELSE ( set "ROESTR=!ROENUM!")) set "SWITCH=/q" set "NAME=%%f" set "SETUPPATH=%%f" if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~-4!"==".exe" ( if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~0,7!"=="DirectX" ( set "SWITCH=/Q /T:\"%WinDir%\Setup\Updates\DX\" /C:\"%WinDir%\Setup\Updates\DX\dxsetup.exe /silent\"" set "NAME=DirectX Redistributable") if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~0,15!"=="GamesForWindows" ( set "NAME=Games for Windows - LIVE") if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~0,11!"=="Silverlight" ( set "NAME=Microsoft Silverlight") if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~0,16!"=="windows-kb890830" ( set "NAME=Malicious Software Removal Tool") if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~0,7!"=="wlsetup" ( set "SWITCH=/silent" set "NAME=Windows Live Essentials") if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~0,8!"=="rootsupd" ( set "NAME=Root Certificates Update") if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~0,4!"=="msse" ( set "NAME=Microsoft Security Essentials" "%%f" /Q /X:"%WIM%\Windows\Updates\MSSE" set "SETUPPATH=MSSE\setup.exe" set "SWITCH=/s /runwgacheck /o") ) if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~-4!"==".msi" ( if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~0,11!"=="PlayReadyPC" ( set "SWITCH=/quiet /norestart" set "NAME=PlayReady PC Runtime")) REG ADD %ROE%\!ROESTR! /ve /d "!NAME!" /f >nul REG ADD %ROE%\!ROESTR! /v "!NAME!" /d "%WinDir%\Setup\Updates\!SETUPPATH! !SWITCH!" /f >nul If /I "!SETUPPATH!"=="%%f" (copy /Y "%%f" "%WIM%\Windows\Setup\Updates")>nul set /a NUM+=1 )) )
  14. Links to the motherboard spec sheets would be more useful. Or just the specific names and model numbers so we could Google them ourselves. Some motherboards are very specific about the processors and memory that can be used. This information is absolutely necessary when swapping parts.
  15. 5eraph

    Fanless UPS

    I've been using an APC Smart-UPS 1500 since 2005 (the 120V version). It's not fanless, but the fan does not run all of the time. Even when it's running, it's quieter than my tower so I don't even notice it. It is currently in dire need of a new battery, though.
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