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    testplayer got a reaction from clarkg888 in Export current tweaks to a .reg file   
    After so many years, I still feel that this feature is highly needed! The registry tweak is still one of the best parts of Win Toolkit. So Lego, please add it, and I hope that won't be too time consuming. THANKS!!
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    testplayer got a reaction from stashekmajcherc in Export current tweaks to a .reg file   
    After so many years, I still feel that this feature is highly needed! The registry tweak is still one of the best parts of Win Toolkit. So Lego, please add it, and I hope that won't be too time consuming. THANKS!!
  3. Like
    The tweaks are very useful, even to the current running OS. It would be great if wintoolkit can also be used as a tweaking tool, not only customizing installation images. Thanks.