Everything posted by teerim
Advanced INF Install Error
ill give those steps a try and see if i get an advanced inf install error again. BTW what is DPs BASE?
Advanced INF Install Error
Hello ive been having soo much problems lately. Everytime my install gets to the Registering Components Part, I get an Advanced INF Install Error. It says Unexpected Error. Could not load resources. Please help me. Heres the order I do my UAXP. 1: RVM 2.1.11 Update with RVM 2.1.11(R13) Addon Using RVM Integrator 2: Slipstream WMP11 using Booogy Slipstreamer. Vanilla 3: IE7 using RVM Integrator 4: WScript57 using RVM Integrator 5: Nlite Components Removal,Tweaks,Options, etc... 6: Addons using Nlite 7: Cursor Addon using RVM Integrator 8: V'SIO 9: Make ISO using Nlite
[CPL] WMP11 Slipstreamer v0.94 AddOn
Im just wondering, should I add this after I integrate the XUpdatePack 3.0.3 or before integrating it. Also, should IE7 be integrated before or after? Heres how I make my ISO. WMP11 IE7 XUpdatePack 3.0.3 Components Removal and Tweaks All Addon Integrated V'SIO Make ISO Is this the correct order I should go with? Thanks
Which .dll Associates With Themes
im using the option in nlite to patch the uxtheme. does nlite not support older builds?
Which .dll Associates With Themes
God im always running into something that just delays my objective. Anyways I have Windows XP Professional Corporate SP2 August 2007 Version. Well something in there is making classic and luna themes only available. I fixed that problem by using BricoPack. But I dont like BricoPack what so ever. So I just wanted to know if any of you guys know which .dll is causing the problem. BTW its not the uxTheme.dll because I had already patched that. Please HELP me....Thanks.
Need help adding Skin to Styler
Thanks does this also set VistaVG as default?
Need help adding Skin to Styler
Thanks alot Rick.
Need help adding Skin to Styler
Hello im using Ricktendo Styler Addon but I also have a skin that goes with my Theme and I would like to know how to add that skin to the Styler addon and make that skin default. Thanks. Here is the skin I wanna add to the Styler Addon. VistaVG
Which XP to use?
thanks for that info.
Which XP to use?
Hello, I have 2 questions. Which XP uses less ram on a fresh install, and which XP should I use to Remove Components for a unattended installation. Thanks.
Help* Editing USER32.DLL
thanks Rick ill try these out
Help* Editing USER32.DLL
Thanks for the reply. Since I cannot replace the .cur files with the .ani file, is there anyway I can use a Aero Cursor addon pack and somehow add a few lines to the winnt.sif to make it default. If so what lines would I put. Im also trying to get the Vista sounds as default on startup so any added lines to the winnt.sif for this subject would help alot. Thanks.
Help* Editing USER32.DLL
Hello fellow WinCert members. Im new to everything but ive been reading lots and lots of stuff during the past several weeks about making my own unattended cd. I have not yet found any aero cursor addons that will completely replace the default cursors so I decided to just edit the USER32.DLL using ResHack. Only problem I have is that I cant replace 2 Cursors which are the Busy and Working Cursors. It seems that I cant use ResHack to replace a .cur file with an .ani file. If anyone can please give me some information on how to get these things replace, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
Just wondering, does this include styler,icons,cursors,sounds,siebar,vistart,viorb,lclock?