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Ramesh Yadav reacted to bphlpt in [Solved] Discrepancy in "Updates Retriever" and "All In One Integrator"I would suggest waiting until the next version is released, I would expect probably in the next day or so, and try it. It should answer your questions better than trying to explain it.
Cheers and Regards
Ramesh Yadav reacted to Legolash2o in [Solved] Discrepancy in "Updates Retriever" and "All In One Integrator"You didn't read my last message properly, there was an error where updates would show more than once, it has been fixed and will be in the next release :)4
@Kels, IE9 will automatically go to the top of the list.
Ramesh Yadav reacted to Kelsenellenelvian in [Solved] Discrepancy in "Updates Retriever" and "All In One Integrator"This is actually a question for a different thread. BUT it goes like this:
Get the ie9 installer from the link kindly provided in Win Toolit...
Select it AND the updates (ie9 of course) and make sure the ie9 installer is above the updates in the integration list.