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Posts posted by Mr_Smartepants

  1. That's OK. Happens to all of us.

    The real world will always conspire to ruin our plans for our hobbies.

    This is a good opportunity to remind everyone that what we do here is volunteer work. Nobody here gets paid to do this.

    We're all grateful that you invest your time to help out.

  2. It sometimes freezes on me when I'm integrating stuff. Don't know if its just me. Anyone else had this ?

    Yeah, I got this too yesterday. Stuck at integrating 1 of 13 for Vista for about 30 minutes. I had to restart and fix the folder permissions just to delete the \mount\ folder.

    Used w7t

  3. I have a request. I'm not sure if it's possible with this new forum software.

    I'd like to have an option in the user's profile to flag "Search results from *** language sections only". This would be helpful for those who are monolingual.

    IE. If a English user clicks "View new content" and is presented with a list of 20 results, more than half are going to be from the Italian/Turkish sections (but with English titles).

    There's no indication (sometimes) what international section those threads are coming from. Very confusing for some.

    Can we make that more visible? Or offer the option to filter out those results?

    I don't mean this as a fault against our international visitors, but I can only see this option as a benefit. And it'd be an option, not default.

    I like to scan the international areas every now and then to see if I can help (Google translator is a help), but there are times when I wish I'd only get the search results I want.


  4. I tried using reshacker. I could extract the message table text to smss.rc which I can edit all day in notepad. But I can't import that .rc back to smss.exe within reshacker. And if I edit smss.exe directly from within reshacker and click "compile script" button, reshacker becomes non-responsive until I force-quit it. I even left it running for over an hour compiling, no luck. The text string I was trying to edit was on line 11000.

    I did not correct any checksum because reshacker kept failing.

  5. Any update to this?

    Also, can I request a mod to i386\system32\smss.exe to patch for "Media Center Edition" instead of "Professional" when %source%\CMPNENTS\MEDIACTR\I386\MEDIACTR.CAB is detected?

    This is for the blue txtsetup phase to setup partitions etc.

    All my attempts to mod smss.exe have failed.

    This was originally requested here.

  6. Yes, you can. The data is stored on the platters, not the controller board or the read/write heads. :)

    If you can find an IDENTICAL drive, I mean like down to the revision number! Then you can just swap controller circuit boards and you should be able to recover the data.

    But if the drive was dropped while running, or the platters have some physical damage, you're pretty much screwed with the DIY approach and need professional help.

  7. Sometime, when I drag & drop some files are moved instead to be copied by swift hdd :grin:

    My eyes sometimes do not catch it what is written moving, coping even deleting, but for them it are easier to recognize colours.

    So, I changed colours of animation and it is easier to manage files for me.

    If you want to have the animation, let me know than I upload it.




    I agree. I like it.

    But I think the colors should be:

    Blue = Move

    Red = Delete

    Green = Copy

  8. DriverPacks BASE has a new "Stand Alone Drivers" option which will build a folder for updating a currently running system.

    Check out the DP_Install_Tool.cmd file.

    You should be able to find some nuggets of info in there for XP installs.

    DriverPacks uses DPinst.exe, a M$ tool.

    Vista/Win7 uses a completely different mechanism IIRC.

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