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Posts posted by Mr_Smartepants

  1. Well, I just tested 1.4.6 on XP Pro SP3 (MSDN) w/ RyanVM updatepack 1.03 and I see no visual problems so far.

    1. Task manager Users tab is not missing on mine, though that would be a large bug if it were.

    2. The modem 'bug' is because the left pane image is not long enough. Not really a bug though.

    3. The system properties images are all present on mine. Though I have seen (or not seen) the missing left pane image for Remote Access on XP Home systems.

    4. WMP theme displays no visual artifacts. Looks good here! :) I integrated WMP11 with Boooggy's integrator. I don't use anything made by OnePiece.

    For the shortcut icons, what dpi settings are you using?

  2. Will be avaiable soon?

    Or it will be a new realise.

    :manual: Geez, you couldn't read just one post above yours?
    so around next friday-sunday a new release of xptsp will be available with the new wmp 11 resource along with other updates.

    Very nice Bober. I voted for the 'charcoal' wmp11, the black is too...um...black. :)

  3. I also found another visual problem with the wireless indicators.

    In the below pic, you can see in the window the signal strength bars overlap the text above (Mbps). Also, in the taskbar next to the 'ATI' icon, the signal strength bars are aways white (empty) regardless of the strength of the signal.


  4. It's your money, and ultimately it's your choice.

    But I would avoid anything branded Toshiba like the plague.

    I've repaired 6 or 7 Toshiba notebooks with power connectors snapping off the motherboard (cold-solder joints) and other poor QA problems.

    My dad's set-top DVD player blew up 2-months out of warranty.

    Personally I'd go with an Intel CPU, but again, it's your choice.

  5. I still maintain that the best approach for M$ is to have three core SKUs. Just like XP. Home, Pro, and Enterprise, with possibly a stripped 'EU/developing country' version with no media player or browser (or functionality).

    Ultimate Extras should be purchased separately for any of the three SKUs. This 'ala carte' approach would solve the EU problem and allow for users who want the extras to have them.

    Licensing is a farce, and only benefits the pirates, not legitimate users.

    M$ needs to get a handle on their VLKs to prevent piracy. They should be locking VLKs to certain domains or IP ranges since only large companies use these. The VLK should be 'registered' by the company using it with their own restrictions to keep the key from registering out 'in the wild'.

  6. I'm not sure this is a bug, maybe just an oversight.

    In the below image (login screen), the red button in the bottom right corner is split into two functions.

    Left=Shutdown, brings up the normal sleep/shutdown/restart popup.

    Right=Does not work. Button depresses, but does nothing.


    I don't know if it's possible to modify the values of those buttons, but they should react like vista, or at the very least tied together so that both bring up the same dialog in XP.

  7. Mr_Smartepants: You have to unpack the AutoRun in order to able to change the INI file. Here is the modified 7zip SFX and config file: XP_setups.7z. Once you've made your modifications, rearchive the contents and combine the SFX module, the config file and the newly-created archive (in that order). Once you do so, you'll have a customized package.

    OK, gotcha. I had missed that part. Thanks.

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