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Everything posted by MzQueenie

  1. i did and i still got no reply :sleeping_03anim:
  2. i did, twice...and still kept getting the error :sleeping:
  3. It also stuffed up my vistart, now when i click start i see the icons but see no text at all omfg....
  4. is there any other way to uninstall it? because when i want to uninstall that same pop up comes up and won't uninstall as well, i'm getting bugged out by it because its stuffing up my system and i can't find anything or anyone to help me!
  5. sigh...now i can't uninstall it!
  6. have you got a direct link to the vADVAPI32.dll file, because i don't think i downloaded the right dll file
  7. i did, and installed it in the directory, but it still not working. :crying_anim02:
  8. :crying_anim02: anyone could help please? i have alky, but the problem won't go away.
  9. can i get any help??? the alky does NOT WORK!! i'm getting annoyed by this
  10. the alky link is dead, you've got any external link, seems like the site is not running no more.
  11. i have a problem, can't start my sidebar, gets this message ^^ any help on it?
  12. http://osx.portraitofakite.com/ FlyakiteOSX is a transformation pack. It will transform the look of an ordinary Windows XP+ system to resemble the look of Mac OS X. The installer simply automates the process of replacing critical system files, setting registry tweaks, and installing extras such as cursors, sounds, visual styles, etc. In case you are not happy with the results of FlyakiteOSX, everything is completely removable. Just run the uninstaller from the Start Menu or from Add/Remove Programs. FlyakiteOSX does not contain any spyware or ad-ware of any kind. All files needed for FlyakiteOSX are stored in the Windows directory in a folder named
  13. finally something great, thank you
  14. A trick to stop the WindowBlind + Vistart 2661 problem When you have ViStart and WindowBlinds you would have to click 3 times for the ViStart menu to appear. (If I remember correctly, build 2502 did not have this issue). How to solve it: I found that ViStart will be more responsive if you add it to ignore list of WB6. Option "Ignore this application and do not skin it" it is under advanced options in settings.
  15. Is it buggy like the latest version? btw thank you
  16. no but i did save a restore point and restore it to a previous date. It's so buggy, especially vistart but i could handle it until there's a fix for it, hopefully :happy: the system icons didn't change at all its still has VTP8's icons, weird but i like it that all i cared about :thumb:
  17. Anyone has a problem with it? the latest version of Vistart is buggy! and i have to click few times to stop flashing
  18. edit: works fine
  19. From Window X: more information: http://www.jcxp.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=23824 Has anyone tried it? thoughts on it? Drop your opinions, thanks
  20. i thought you forgot about your own thread :happy: btw thank you when the update comes :thumb:
  21. Here's my screenshot. click to see it bigger Used: * Vistart * Vista Sidebar to XP (huge thanks to ricktendo64 for providing it for everyone) :happy: * WindowBlind 6.0 with blur transparency and aero skin. * Object dock hope people like it :thumb:
  22. thank you :happy: