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  1. Greetings all, My apologizes for my noobiness. Although the description seems to be pretty straight forward, I'm still not 100% sure what this setting does exactly? I'm hoping there is a way to integrate my unattended.xml file I normally use the following command to do so: "sysprep /generalize /oobe /shutdown /unattend:C:\windows\panther\unattend.xml" I use Windows PE via PXE to install so the boot.wim is separate from the install.wim in this case. Any light on this subject would be appreciated. Thanks for your time. UPDATE: This Microsoft Article seems to indicate I can put my unattend.xml in the following location %WINDIR%\Panther for first time setup to use. Testing now, will post findings. UPDATE: Works like a charm.
  2. Where might I obtain Version
  3. What version should I use to integrate a silent .msi install at this point?
  4. After installing via /Y on Win7 64 SP1 with all other updates, event log reports: Warning, .NET Runtime Optimization Service (2.0.50727.5719) - Version of flavor did not match with repository: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX From what I'm reading about this warning, it is not safe to ignore however since this is a re-packaged version I figured I would ask the most relevant folk as well.