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Everything posted by newsposter

  1. It's easy enough to fix, just comment out the errant entry in the .ini and give the package a correct internal name. I will however, young Padawan, wait for the Master.
  2. So now that we have that in common, do we tell our parents or ???
  3. Kels, I get an install error on screen saver power toy.....
  4. Have you moved on to Glary Utilities then or ????
  5. 2.23 came out about a week ago....
  6. Look like Sun has (finally) released b03 for 1.6.15. Might have solved the upgrade-in-place problem.
  7. Kels, c64k has updated his utilities recently......
  8. FWIW, a win7 'upgrade' (say from b7100 to b7137, others tested as well) does NOT like to see the clear type power toy. In 3 different tests, the Win7 upgrader insisted that I deinstall the power toy before the upgrade would continue. YMMV, etc.
  9. Well slap me with a paintbrush and color me blue......... I didn't even see those packs. A much belated thanks for that work too!
  10. After a few weeks on the Win 7 RC (7100), I'm having no problems with the CPL addon. But then again, my definition of what might be a problem is different than most so here goes.... Several utils are problematic or wholly inoperative under Win7 7100. They are (with comments): BootVis - doesn't work at all, just complains about not being Vista-ready and drops out. MS Autoplay Repair - not necessary with Win7, redundant. MSI Cleaner - I've always thought this one to be 'dangerous'. Dial-a-Fix - not needed under Win7, there is a slight outside chance it might do Something Bad. Tweak UI - not needed/useable under Win7. For my own purposes, it's easy enough to comment out the relevant lines in the .inf so no real hassle for me. I'm just posting this info for consideration. Many thanks!
  11. tested, works fine on 32bit Vista Business SP1 and 32 bit Win7/7100/RC.
  12. Perhaps in his obscure dialect of Spanish, 'Warez' means Dumbass. If we take the first part of his name 'Neo-' from the Wachowski Brothers meaning 'incomprehensible' or 'self-centered-self-abuser' we get a coloquial English translation of Incomprehensible Self-Centered Wanking Dumbass.
  13. No, we won't.
  14. Aren't you glad we convinced you to take NPP out of the main pack and keep it on the side.......... Seriously, Rado and about 3 other peeps make NPP addons if you want to discontinue yours. Your 'value-added' is all of the experience and work you put into the Uber and CPL packs.
  15. just in time for a rebuild. Hey, nircmd has been updated. Not too serious, it can wait until you have other reasons to update the pack. thanks!!
  16. The menuing system & layouts can be wholly separate from the program installers. This keeps the default install locations and enables the use of switchless installers from within the Kels-names addon packs.
  17. thanks! One way to do it would be to creat a 'Kels Addons Menu Structure". The full menus would be there but if a user drills down to an uninstalled program, the icon would say "ProgramName-NotInstalled". A 'Kels base' would create the full menu structure and install the essential Kels favories. Expansion packs would actually install the programs that the initial menu structure mentions. Users could create their own consolidated expansion packs (adding or deleting programs) following the format of your consolidated packs. The Kels Base would be untouchable. Expansion packs editable/configurable (by the end user). Where to build the menus? My pref would be to create stuff in a Start|All Programs|Kells Expansion kind of tree and get away from desktop|right click and Control Panel entries. As far as actually installing the programs? Again, if it were me, I would as much as possible keep to the original install directories as defined by the program originators. That way it would be easy to keep a system up to date using the individual program installers instead of always bugging Kels for trivial updates such as GPUZ being updated by a minor dot level.
  18. No Problem... Every once in a while peeps over at Ryans and DriverPacks get all mad and lit up when their suggesions aren't immediately implemented by pack owners and a flame warre results. Don't want to see that kind of nonsense here.
  19. Both the uber pack and cpl packs are getting kind of big for my tastes. MSFT already tosses their own kitchen sink into the Control Panel before Kels addon. The MMM menus in the Uber pack are gettting pretty large as well. Just because it's possible to remake utility programs as .cpl addons and create infinite MMM menus doesn't mean it's a good idea. It might be time to re-purpose the cpl and uber packs into essentials (the Real Return of the lite packs?) and maxi-expander packs. My pref would be to have both the CPL pack and Uber pack managed by MMM menus with everything buried under a second level to keep the desktop/right click menu as short as possible. Maybe something along the lines of how the old kels/rick NirSoft AIO pack that ton80 maintains adds things to the start|all programs|nirsoft suite menus. But that's just me. Everyone is going to have opinions and want/needs but at the end of the day the packs belong to Kels and we all have to respect that.
  20. Denny, if someone bought you a copy of XP or Vista, would you then be free to distribut it to your other 'friends'?
  21. newsposter replied to a post in a topic in SVCPACK Addons
    DeskSpace generally costs U$25-, is this a cracked/hacked version or ?? You say that 'no serial is needed'.
  22. Doesn't SyncToy require .Net??