Everything posted by newsposter
[Addon] Kel's lite addon v5.2
whip it good (download working???)..... enjoy!
[Addon] Kel's lite addon v5.2
hashtab? Yes Sir, may I have some more.....
[Addon] Kel's UberPacK v16.2 & Notepad2-Mod
and on to the lite pack we go.......
[Addon] Kel's CPL All-in-One v12.6
That would increase the size of the CPL pack by 50%. A meg isn't much in the grand scheme of things but when the entire rest of the pack comes in at under 3 meg. OTOH, Nero is the 'gold standard' but isn't there anything else say at http://www.cdfreaks.com/software/Diagnostic_-Utility/ that might come in smaller and grab the same info?
[Addon] Kel's lite addon v5.2
eeeeeexcellent. And Metapath too!
[Addon] Kel's lite addon v5.2
Kels, a request for this pack and others that might be setting file associations for notepad2: How about separating the reg entries that set file associations for notepad2 into their own [notepad2.fileassoc.reg] entry section. It would make it a hair (lots!) easier to edit the .inf without further bothering you for customized versions. And hey, thanks!
[Addon] Kel's CPL All-in-One v12.6
or use the 'model' that the sysinternals pack builder uses. Present the user with a list of everything available, then build a custom pack from their choices. -or- always install the full pack, but at 'config' time (pack build time) let the user pre-select what choices are available.
[Addon] GPU-Z 0.1.2
The point is having a utility that works properly, not one that is trying to mimic the success of another. If GPU-Z can't ID something as common as VM virtualized video, what else is it cheating at?
[Addon] GPU-Z 0.1.2
One big, on-going downside to GPU-Z is that more often than not, it will fail to ident virtualized video from VMWare, MSFT VirtualPC, and VirtualBox.
[AddOn] Genuine Advantage
:woot: reformat time......
Open for AddOn Requests
virtual clone drive http://www.slysoft.com/en/virtual-clonedrive.html time and chaos PIM (their time and chaos product, not their intellect product) http://www.chaossoftware.com/programs/chaos7/chaos7setup.exe
[AddOn] Genuine Advantage
Is this ok to integrate after a WMP11 integration using Boooggys tool and the stock MSFT installer?
[CPL] WMP11 Slipstreamer v0.94 AddOn
only about a week ago...... easy does it
[AddOn] Recycle Bin Start Menu v0.6
RIck, is this really version 0.6? The filename says 0.6 but the internal build (Entries_) says 0.4. Just wondering.........