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Everything posted by newsposter

  1. whip it good (download working???)..... enjoy!
  2. hashtab? Yes Sir, may I have some more.....
  3. and on to the lite pack we go.......
  4. That would increase the size of the CPL pack by 50%. A meg isn't much in the grand scheme of things but when the entire rest of the pack comes in at under 3 meg. OTOH, Nero is the 'gold standard' but isn't there anything else say at http://www.cdfreaks.com/software/Diagnostic_-Utility/ that might come in smaller and grab the same info?
  5. eeeeeexcellent. And Metapath too!
  6. Kels, a request for this pack and others that might be setting file associations for notepad2: How about separating the reg entries that set file associations for notepad2 into their own [notepad2.fileassoc.reg] entry section. It would make it a hair (lots!) easier to edit the .inf without further bothering you for customized versions. And hey, thanks!
  7. or use the 'model' that the sysinternals pack builder uses. Present the user with a list of everything available, then build a custom pack from their choices. -or- always install the full pack, but at 'config' time (pack build time) let the user pre-select what choices are available.
  8. The point is having a utility that works properly, not one that is trying to mimic the success of another. If GPU-Z can't ID something as common as VM virtualized video, what else is it cheating at?
  9. One big, on-going downside to GPU-Z is that more often than not, it will fail to ident virtualized video from VMWare, MSFT VirtualPC, and VirtualBox.
  10. :woot: reformat time......
  11. virtual clone drive http://www.slysoft.com/en/virtual-clonedrive.html time and chaos PIM (their time and chaos product, not their intellect product) http://www.chaossoftware.com/programs/chaos7/chaos7setup.exe
  12. Is this ok to integrate after a WMP11 integration using Boooggys tool and the stock MSFT installer?
  13. only about a week ago...... easy does it
  14. RIck, is this really version 0.6? The filename says 0.6 but the internal build (Entries_) says 0.4. Just wondering.........