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Everything posted by WasHere

  1. @ricktendo version 4.20.2800 is out now.
  2. New version, updated to
  3. @ricktendo Did you update the MD5 hash on the first post? The hash you posted match v3.00.
  4. AIDA64 updated to v2.85.2400
  5. Just out of curiousity are the remove one replace with the newer hotfixes?
  6. Hi ricktendo64, sorry for asking a stupid question but I've 11-16-2012 installed and now you updated the installer. Do I need to uninstall 11-16-2012 version first before installing the current version (12-12-2012) OR is it safe to install this over the older version OR do I just use windows update?
  7. Hi ricktendo64, FX updated to 1.4.8
  8. Hey Kelsenellenelvian I wanted to tell you that java update to Java 7u9 or you can wait until 7u10 because 7u8 is being renumber to that http://jdk7.java.net/download.html.
  9. Hi ricktendo64 I just want to tell you that the software updated to v2.70.2200.
  10. http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/shockwave/default/english/win95nt/latest/sw_lic_slim_installer.exe There a slim installer now and its 3.62 MB.
  11. Java updated to Java 7 Update 7 please update?
  12. @ricktendo64 Skype v5.10.32.116 is release.