Everything posted by WasHere
[Repak] AIDA64 Extreme 4.70
@ricktendo version 4.20.2800 is out now.
[Repak] Adobe Shockwave Player
New version, updated to
[Repak] AIDA64 Extreme 4.70
@ricktendo Did you update the MD5 hash on the first post? The hash you posted match v3.00.
[Repak] AIDA64 Extreme 4.70
AIDA64 updated to v2.85.2400
[Slim] .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64 (2-27-2016)
Just out of curiousity are the remove one replace with the newer hotfixes?
[Slim] .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64 (2-27-2016)
Hi ricktendo64, sorry for asking a stupid question but I've 11-16-2012 installed and now you updated the installer. Do I need to uninstall 11-16-2012 version first before installing the current version (12-12-2012) OR is it safe to install this over the older version OR do I just use windows update?
[Repak] Resource Hacker FX
Hi ricktendo64, FX updated to 1.4.8
[Repack] Java7 update 51 Dual x32 & x64
Hey Kelsenellenelvian I wanted to tell you that java update to Java 7u9 or you can wait until 7u10 because 7u8 is being renumber to that http://jdk7.java.net/download.html.
[Repak] AIDA64 Extreme 4.70
Hi ricktendo64 I just want to tell you that the software updated to v2.70.2200.
[Repak] Adobe Shockwave Player
http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/shockwave/default/english/win95nt/latest/sw_lic_slim_installer.exe There a slim installer now and its 3.62 MB.
[Repack] Java7 update 51 Dual x32 & x64
[Repack] Java7 update 51 Dual x32 & x64
Java updated to Java 7 Update 7 please update?
- [Tweaked] Skype (Multilanguage)