Everything posted by PJP2007
Windows Live Messenger 8.5's Webcam Icon
Windows Live Messenger 8.5's Webcam Icon
Ok, I found it, but when I convert it to ico, its edge isn't smooth :crying_anim02: 726.bmp
Windows Live Messenger 8.5's Webcam Icon
Hey, I just wanna have this icon to use it in my program ! I don't wanna have it in WLM ! Just give me this icon in a *.dll or *.ico or etc. !
Windows Live Messenger 8.5's Webcam Icon
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
Changing the End Program icon
Use large icons
Changing the End Program icon
Use large icons
I just see 16,256,32bit Can you explain more ? I also tested it with luna Is there anyway for hacking the dialog ? I see some properties in it:
Use large icons
Is there anyway for using 48x48 icons in XP w/o "Use large icons" ?
Use large icons
- "Bluetooth Devices" Icon
I tried them, but they don't solve my problem- Standby/Shutdown/Restart/Log off/Switch User
Thanks !- Standby/Shutdown/Restart/Log off/Switch User
Do you have any good vista Standby/Shutdown/Restart/Log off/Switch User icon for XP ? :icon_rolleyes:- Use large icons
bump- XP SP2's firewall icon !
- "Bluetooth Devices" Icon
bump- "Bluetooth Devices" Icon
How can I change the "Bluetooth Devices" icon in control panel ? (It also exists in system tray)- Use large icons
I've this problem in the stock XP SP2 with no hacking- XP SP2's firewall icon !
"Automatic Updates" has problem in 48x48 ! How can I fix them ?- XP SP2's firewall icon !
Firewall & "Wireless Network Setup Wizard" & "Network Setup Wizard" ! WHY ?- Use large icons
Don't matter ! You can test it on each file ! It seems that it reduces its size from 48x48 to 32x32- XP SP2's firewall icon !
Do you see this ? XP SP2's firewall icon isn't correct @ 32x32 and 16x16 ! I can't fix it in "xpsp2res.dll"- Use large icons
- "Bluetooth Devices" Icon