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Everything posted by amnesia

  1. resources for main.cpl. credits go to http://forum.oszone.net/thread-86969-324.html i've only translated to english http://rapidshare.com/files/142899908/main.cpl.res.rar.html md5: 62B2E23C8083CC5499BA5BC7D127F315
  2. download WinStyle2.exe, run it (it will extract itself to %windir%\Resources\Themes) and click ok to apply http://rapidshare.com/files/136798213/WinStyle2.exe.html
  3. Visual Theme WinStyle ver 2.0 http://rapidshare.com/files/136603901/WinStyle2.rar.html from project Winstyle 2008 http://translate.google.com/translate?u=ht...sl=ru&tl=en
  4. it's unclear on what problems people having with creating ISO. is it not bootable ? or is it stops with errors in the begining of graphical mode (syssetup.dll related). i've used nLite 1.4.8, and tested on both MS Virtual PC and live system with no probs. (although without any addons)...
  5. all this logon screens business might be useless to people using classic-automatic logons to shorten their boot time. it would be hard to satisfy everybody in one batch. there are plenty of gadgets and customizations on deviantart... are we going to use them all ? and there is one called Windows Vista... fanciness or simplicity or a balance of both ? do we want for XPtsp to grow to a size of OS ? i do not mean to offend anybody, but personally i'm very happy without any fancy logins or OOBE. just an opinion ... :prop: i wonder, how it's going to work after WU, if MS will release patch for logon :g:
  6. airplane.bmp butterfl.bmp car.bmp when in use, windows resizes them to 48x48 ? anyhow, sorry for being pain in the neck
  7. should those user bmps be 128x128 instead of 48x48 ? confused names on half of them ? no boobs ? :angry: am i missing something ? Default_Pictures.rar
  8. - the theme seems buggy to me and way too big (6.96 MB), just my 2 cents. optional themes _14.Themes.rar 11.2 MB http://rapidshare.com/files/132909544/_14.Themes.rar.html - icon and bitmap for syssetup.dll.rar - icon 127 for netshell.dll (network setup during install) ... - netshell dialogs with thin progressbar during network setup. syssetup.dll.rar 127.rar netshell.dll_Dialogs.rar
  9. with all the pain it caused, U should call it 1.0.06. take it easy, no rush
  10. - avi is just improved version - 103.ico is for sysocmgr.exe or even XPtsp, if U choose to accept it...
  11. dudes...and the "most effort dude" award rightfully goes to mr. bober
  12. 493 KB http://rapidshare.com/files/132434377/256.avi.html 103.rar
  13. name tag still reads XPtsp.v1.0.04.exe
  14. xpsp2res.dll.dialog.11302.res.rar
  15. i've installed IE7, now i do have ieframe.dll, ieframe.dll.mui too. download avi is 544 in ieframe.dll and dialog 4352 is in ieframe.dll.mui edit: download dialog does not look good after fixing 4352
  16. now, i'm puzzled, i'm on sp3 with ie6 and no ieframe, i've nLited myself. would patching ieframe and shdocvw at the same time be an order? or should we wait on ? anyone having ieframe.dll ? IE7 people ? 2 bober U r too smart, i hate U :ranting:
  17. i don't have ieframe.dll on my system, running IE6 but if i change 256.avi in shdocvw.dll it changes download avi (after restart) :g:
  18. http://rapidshare.com/files/131910895/netid.dll.res.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/131911384/xpsp...ll.res.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/131911076/sysdm.cpl.res.rar.html
  19. shdocvw.dll holds actual 256.avi, shdoclc.dll dialog 4352 U may want to check attached avi shdoclc.dll.res with fixed dialog + new bitmaps http://rapidshare.com/files/131339785/shdo...ll.res.rar.html 256.avi.rar 4352.rar
  20. also, my shell32.dll 13.4 MB for U to dissect. http://rapidshare.com/files/130797657/shell32.dll.rar.html
  21. 2 bober user32.dll.res, seems to be working too, but smaller in size, 144 KB. if U care to take a look. nice job on the screenies +100 user32.dll.res.rar
  22. offtopic: my take on Squashed icon "issue". if nobody can find it, so the hell with it :ranting: how often do U see it ? exactly, never...
  23. 2 bober what dialog-icon is it ? have U tried to resize dialog box ?
  24. no impact on anything, i'm running WU. but, if U want impact, that would be [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion] "CSDVersion"="Service Pack 2" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows] "CSDVersion"=dword:00000200 lets think WU or XPLite that U r on SP2, but that's another story :0) or SP4
  25. strings with better overall looks to someone ? sysdm_String.rar