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Everything posted by amnesia

  1. "VISO Live" was meant to be run on live system. i've just tested on freshly installed os. it seems to be ok, except few "can't find file" messages at the end. i am sure, there are plenty to be improved. i think U deserve more options... let say, hypothetically, after doing nLite and addons, U forgot to patch yer source... what ? start all over? nope, just run "Live"(extract V'ISO, add batches, start "1Copy.bat"). i certainly hope, that somebody will find it useful... Edited: please check Post #712
  2. 2 bober to delete specific-singular icon in a pe or .res file, yer best bet would be "XN Resource Editor" (free) it let U delete a single pixel. it's good tool, yet not bug free... i remember now, i've been playing with regedit.exe.res, i've fixed-changed few pixels it the registry open folder icon , yeah-yeah the ****ty yellow one . saved the file, just to discover it's emptiness yesterday... http://rapidshare.com/files/125999767/rege...xe.res.rar.html 35 KB fixed 1 md5: 05986ECD1A5E80D8A7772008DFAE9AA7
  3. set del=-delete (present in V'ISO) %rh% %del% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", icongroup,,1025 %rh% %del% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", icongroup,,1037 %rh% %del% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", Dialog,, %rh% %del% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", Stringtable,, %rh% %del% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", Versioninfo,, p.s. very nice bitmap
  4. wuaucpl.cpl Dialog 912 is in original. wuaucpl.cpl.mui Dialog 62302 is the same as 912. anyhow, bober, what ya think? there might be hope for WU patch. were U able to use dropdowns in Automatic ?
  5. if anybody feel like testing. after WU looking good, but lost ability time choose from dropdowns, so dialog may need additional tweaking... dialogs are the same, so it's easy to update, then copy-paste to other wuaucpl.cpl.rar 58.1 KB md5: B4CD1A42EBD0C268E20770BEA92527E1 http://rapidshare.com/files/125746062/wuaucpl.cpl.rar.html wuaucpl.cpl.mui.rar 114 KB md5: CE82F5C3B24EA3B774A0FE7DE44FF06A http://rapidshare.com/files/125746108/wuau...pl.mui.rar.html
  6. 01101111011010000010110000100000011010010111001101101110011000000111010000100000 011010010111010000100000011000110111010101110100011001010010000000111111 http://www.plinko.net/binary/toenglish.asp poll: which one U like better for Clasic StartMenu personally, i don't like my XP to be called Vista
  7. offtopic There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't. 01010100011010000110010101110010011001010010000001100001011100100110010100100000 001100010011000000100000011101000111100101110000011001010111001100100000011011110 110011000100000011100000110010101101111011100000110110001100101001000000110100101 101110001000000111010001101000011001010010000001110111011011110111001001101100011 001000011101000100000011101000110100001101111011100110110010100100000011101110110 100001101111001000000111010101101110011001000110010101110010011100110111010001100 001011011100110010000100000011000100110100101101110011000010111001001111001001011 000010000001100001011011100110010000100000011101000110100001101111011100110110010 100100000011101110110100001101111001000000110010001101111011011100110000001110100 00101110
  8. we have an issue with regedit.exe not being patched, cause regedit.exe.res is empty. MD5: 05986ECD1A5E80D8A7772008DFAE9AA7 p.s. it came empty from 8.2.1.amnesia.modd :g:
  9. OffTopic strange things happened while running 8.3.1. it gave me few errors starting with zipfldr.dll and on. so, naturally, i went to report it to U, opened Opera, got to a forum and tried to login without any success and Opera saying it cannot save .adr file. at this point i think: "great ! first V'ISO and now Opera, right ? when i'm in a middle of something..." :evil: and i hear in my head the song "... what a wonderful world ..." anyhow, to make it short. V'ISO and Opera reside on D drive and there was 128 KB free left... :doh: - tested 8.3.1 batch without any problemos whatsoever ... 1 minor thing is that after seeing 5 times if you want I386/setup.exe to be patched It is recommended to apply V'ISO BEFORE using bashrat's Driver Pack. if you want to quit press "Control+C". it start to bug me since i'm not running any driverpacks and don't want to quit (i've just started :0) bober, it could be good idea to release optional batch named V'ISO.6.6.6.Ultimatum.bat with: echo 1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d, Now echo Have Some Fun pause shutdown -s -t 02
  10. 2 Digitalwingx have U tried SP3+POSTSP3+VISO+NLITE+TEST ? 2 bober take it easy with version numbering, otherwise , by next friday we'll be 8.33.11 :w00t:
  11. update: da hell with it :angry: for now, anyway :ranting:
  12. i'm not sure, i'm following U. no can't change time in dropdowns p.s. change the name to wuaucpl.cpl.mui.res it wasn't in the file i've uploaded
  13. sure thing http://rapidshare.com/files/125278745/wu.res.rar.html
  14. after WU after manual patching of wuaucpl.cpl and wuaucpl.cpl.mui Update: later on
  15. tried patch, on a full source, before anything. after your post , i was expecting problems, so i've remarked last 4 lines, to help me pinpoint :end ::for ::endlocal ::for ::exit there was no looping. only jump in progress title on 78% title V'ISO script Progress 77%%%... title Progress 78%%%... title V'ISO script Progress 79%%%... - Digitalwingx, could it be something with your source ? :g: - were U running other programs at the time, when looping occurred ? - have U run "CMD /K CHKDSK C:" lately ? :angry: - have U been naughty ? - have U prayed to Zeroes and Ones and the Holy Batch, before patching ?
  16. mirrors: http://www.sendspace.com/file/seyjfw http://rapidshare.com/files/125157413/V_ISO_b8.3.0.exe.html
  17. not sure what ya mean ... i think we r good for now, personally i'm not aware of any issues. p.s. how about we'll call it 8.2.2 looks-sounds goood
  18. :prop: oh, U got me there. 1. i've removed 16 color icons (4bit) 2. i wasn't going to safe mode for years 3. anyhow, looks great in safe mode
  19. it removes winntbbu and if U copy it back, U'll get banners ... :ranting: ... with 366 patches and ~5878 files in i386, not much room left :g:
  20. offtopic i do nLite always, one of the things it does, let U switch to bannerless setup. it removes winntbbu.dll. would it be an issue with winntbbu.dl_ , probably not. i might test it today. 2 bober where is da new improved batch ?
  21. okay. be it your way... but, why r they uncompressed to begin with ? must be a reason
  22. OffTopic U reminded me of a joke : Professor of sexology: - According to statistics, 18% of women consistently want, 23% love oral sex, 38% regularly changing husbands… A student from the back desks: - To hell statistics, we need names, addresses, phone numbers !!!
  23. labels doubled in regards to above mentioned files, starting with winntbbu update: found mistake in :winnt32u2, fixed it http://rapidshare.com/files/124967777/V_ISO.bat.html
  24. so ? even if tripled, ha ha ha, as long as it works. we can call it something else ... what U think ? see Post #641 for fixed 1 p.s. maybe Triple Distalled :0)
  25. this 1 working... even when .cpl and .cp_ present, it does both...