Everything posted by amnesia
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
optional appwiz.cpl.res.rar 173 KB http://rapidshare.com/files/122391048/appw...pl.res.rar.html before: after:
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
2 Rhor Brooklynites Unite http://www.geocities.com/buddychai2/Brooklyn/Bklynites.html don't ya love history ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flushing,_Queens
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
2 Rhor just my 2 cents... why would U use IE7 anyway... have U tried Opera? "...fastest and most powerful Web browser available..." i used it ages and lovin it... secure, totally customizable with scripts and skins. no need to install or integrate. let say i've reinstall-refresh my system, i just start opera.exe and back to life with all the stuff i've set before with around 8 MB http://www.opera.com/download/get.pl?id=31...ue⊂=true
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
2 user5user U may want to try xpsp3_5512.080413-2113_tr_x86fre_spcd.iso http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=tr
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
are these icons 1003-1007 in xpsp2res.dll ? V'ISO does patch them, cause it's "da most complete"
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
yes, sir, it's all possible and bitmaps and icons are in the syssetup.dll. just take look in dialogs, like 96 for example... and in 58 and 59 there are bitmaps instead of icons. so, i guess it would be necessary to copy text string from there, like "CONTROL 106, -1, "STATIC", SS_BITMAP, 22, 7, 107, 90" and paste in place of "ICON 103, -1, 21, 7, 20, 20" while changing 106 to let say 124 to point to different bitmap. after that U'll need to switch back to graphical mode and manually adjust position of bitmap and text boxes, i think. personally, i don't care much about those dialogs, cause i always run unattended setup and never see them... U may want to take a look at my "raped" and "abused" syssetup to get some hints syssetup.dll.res.rar 456 KB http://rapidshare.com/files/121347505/syss...ll.res.rar.html p.s. i've explain this from a point of using Restorator, like choosing a dialog, going to Edit mode(F6) changing to RC mode (Ctrl+F7) and switching back to Default/graphical (Ctrl+F5). hope it helps
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
2 Kal U can try right click on wmimgmt.msc, choose Author file>options>change icon or use attached 1
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
- alternative avi set for shell32, 2.75 MB + 59 KB optional delete avi, vistalike without signs like Moving items, Copying items etc. no preview, cause it's only MB to download and play with :0) AVIs.rar 1.04 MB http://rapidshare.com/files/121058075/AVIs.rar.html
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
- Update: changed string "XP Pirated" to "XP" in sysdm.cpl.res. sorry people :0) http://rapidshare.com/files/118878776/SysProperties.rar.html http://www.filefactory.com/file/053a4d/ just sysdm.cpl.res http://rapidshare.com/files/118864472/sysdm.cpl.rar.html not to worry, it's just oemlogo.bmp, so U'll have yer own pic there :0) 2 winxp U'll get a great deal of satisfaction by doing it yourself... just open .res file and original file in let say Restorator. Go to Edit Mode (F6). click on any dialog (original). copy text to a dialog in .res file. oh, and set Lang ID to French.
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
2 whom it may concern :0) updated System Properties General Computer Name Hardware Advanced Automatic Updates System Restore - Update: changed string "XP Pirated" to "XP" in sysdm.cpl.res. sorry people :0) SysProperties.rar 2.04 MB http://rapidshare.com/files/118878776/SysProperties.rar.html mirror http://www.filefactory.com/file/053a4d/ credits due 2 http://translate.google.com/translate?u=ht...sl=ru&tl=en
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
ther was a virus "empire state monkey" cute bootsector virus, was staying TSR, and after you format it writes back to bootsector
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
2 Kal we all need to switch 2 5512 Eng
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
the best command : format c: /u /autotest
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
V'ISO.8.2.1.French.exe 28.1MB http://rapidshare.com/files/112948437/V_IS...French.exe.html soit agr
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
Je suis d
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
instructions pour une blonde: - extrait V'ISO\Resources - French.8.2.1.rar extrait de V'ISO\Resources - ex
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
2 winxp J'ai le plaisir www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=sp3+5512+french
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
- [Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
2 ferigno1 good 1 even i understood set path="C:\fichiers de programme\Restorator 2007";%path% p.s. now, would U be so kind to send yer working batch to winxp p.s.s 2 winxp, U r cute- [Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
? xpsp2res.dll icons 1003-1007 ? if so, it's already patched by V'iso, but it would be back to original after windows update- [Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
do U mean, there isn't "Please wait..." in stringtable of syssetup ? kinda strange... how about in dialog 119 ?- [Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
2 HJW U may want to check Post #417, #418, #409- [Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
maybe it's in syssetup.dll String 3 ?- [Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
2 ferigno1 "offline web pages" icon in webcheck.dll "firewall" icon 10605 in xpsp2res.dll and U may want to check icons 2026 and 4001 in xpsp2res.dll p.s. do U have right LangIDs there ?- [Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
i'm sitting on english xp, so i can only suggest to try netshell.dll.res.German.rar 372 KB http://rapidshare.com/files/108299390/nets...German.rar.html or ? http://forums.techguy.org/malware-removal-...hijackthis.html maybe ? http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=h...G=Google+Search - [Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)