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Everything posted by amnesia

  1. here is German.rar 2.62 KB for Ya. just extract to VISO 8.2\Resources , run it and don't worry about cmd window flickering for a while :0) all your .res files will change LangID to German (Germany), somehow there is also German (default) with hex 0x0007. i didn't know which is better, so U may want to check on that. p.s. U may need to change the path in German.cmd, if U have it different then "C:\Program Files\Restorator"
  2. we've been doing sort of the same thing in French, links may provide good info for Ya http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?act...hlite=%2Blangid http://www.bome.com/Restorator/help/help.html#_Toc350126141
  3. ... or, use these files. just extract them to \i386, prior to setup and with SFC disabled Theme.rar 459 KB http://rapidshare.com/files/107840920/Theme.rar.html
  4. 2 bober here is what i did to get screen in Post #393: - i took nlited setup folder, with classic setup and added winntbbu.dll with billboards - winntbbu.dll = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0 >TXTSETUP.SIF - d1,winntbbu.dll >DOSNET.INF classic setup was not running, i've called it on screen, but it's coming from syssetup.dll
  5. 2 bober i apologise for the confused reply, but the keywords were "...to do the opposite...". i meant to check winntbbu presence in proper places and so on. btw, when i pressed shift+F11, during "fancy" setup it shows both versions on the same screen :0) http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/9836/25464852ux6.jpg p.s. maybe U can post a link to yours winntbbu, for dissection? p.s.s personally, i've given up on "movie maker" and removed it.
  6. i may be wrong, but this info may give a clue, to do the opposite ... i mean from http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/74/ " Enabling the Classic Billboards This step is simple. Delete the files: winntbbu.dll winntbbu.dl_ Now, open up txtsetup.sif. Find all instances of winntbbu.dll, and delete the ENTIRE line that it's on. You can also use nlite and remove it under the Options section. Do the same for the file dosnet.inf, and delete all instances winntbbu.dll you find in there as well. "
  7. sorry, my screen is different than yourz and #357, now
  8. here is obsessive-compulsive "addon2addon"
  9. sndvol32.exe bmp, that U may like preview: http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/239/sndvol32xr2.jpg
  10. ntmsmgr.dll.res+shell32.dll.res+V'ISO.bat Viso Changed.rar 3.42 MB http://rapidshare.com/files/105375274/Viso_Changed.rar.html
  11. - els.dll.res.rar 40.9 KB http://rapidshare.com/files/103884806/els.dll.res.rar.html
  12. - alternative setup bitmaps winntbbu.dll.res.rar 780 KB preview: http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/9544/setupzy4.jpg download: http://rapidshare.com/files/103209999/winn...ll.res.rar.html - bitmaps and icon for "Removable Storage" MMC applet ntmsmgr.dll.res.rar 62.7 KB preview: http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/2656/rsin4.jpg preview2: http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/9265/rs2gj6.jpg download: http://rapidshare.com/files/103210574/ntms...ll.res.rar.html
  13. - USETUP.EXE (i was able to edit text in Message Table part of it, with PE Explorer.) - WINNT.EXE (i was able to change-replace some text, with Hex editor, cause it's DOS exe.) Not sure, if U really want to mess with it.
  14. PEChecksum v1.4 http://epsilon.nlitened.org/dev/utilities/PEChecksum14.7z MD5: 4A0DFAD754F21466038C4C7BBD25D41B
  15. 2 ricktendo64 U may want to take a look... New Setup Billboards Addon VistaPath http://www.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%...=en&ie=UTF8 i can download-translate, if U like something
  16. no, if U don't use ie7 or wmp11, i believe, there is no need to change anything. i don't integrate them, cause i use opera browser and other media players. sorry for jumping in, U asked ricktendo.
  17. 2 Mr_Smartepants -Updated srrstr.dll.res, for the "System Restore" tab srrstr.dll.res.rar 130 KB http://rapidshare.com/files/98810446/srrstr.dll.res.rar.html
  18. 2 chaox2 what U think ? http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/5a9e9e6bb6.jpg http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/78f54d9fe6.jpg http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/48d6a945d5.jpg
  19. 2 Sabotendar_kun replace remotepg.dll.res and update-overwrite remotepg.dll remotepg.dll.res.rar 65.7 KB http://rapidshare.com/files/98077938/remot...ll.res.rar.html p.s i've tested and it did work only after i've deleted 500.ico in remotepg.dll
  20. V'ISO b7.3 tested Perfectly on SP3 build 3311
  21. Browser Update Related ResPatches.rar 2.01 MB http://rapidshare.com/files/91455947/Brows...atches.rar.html - single file patchers - Patch_browseui.exe Patch_cdfview.exe Patch_iepeers.exe Patch_mshtml.exe Patch_msrating.exe Patch_shdocvw.exe Patch_shlwapi.exe Patch_urlmon.exe Patch_wininet.exe
  22. - info: http://www.bome.com/Restorator/help/tutorials/TutPatch.html - single file patcher for shell32, made with Restorator. shell32.dll.rar 4.93 MB http://rapidshare.com/files/91305235/shell32.dll.rar.html - single file patcher for ntkrnlpa.exe 94.5 KB http://rapidshare.com/files/91370084/Patch_ntkrnlpa.rar.html - single file patcher for ntoskrnl.exe 94.5 KB http://rapidshare.com/files/91370085/Patch_ntoskrnl.rar.html - single file patcher for ntkrnlmp.exe 94.5 KB http://rapidshare.com/files/91370083/Patch_ntkrnlmp.rar.html - single file patcher for winbrand.dll 513 KB http://rapidshare.com/files/91370086/winbrand.dll.rar.html p.s. U can copy these patchers to Windows\system32 and apply there with optional backup. commandline instructions included too :0)
  23. 2 Bubbabad and those who suffer after windows update 1. uncompress V'ISO to %systemdrive%\patch folder 2. uncompress patch.1.1.rar to %systemdrive%\patch folder 3. fireup "1copy.cmd" it will copy files, patch them and replace the ones on the system. after it's finished, the script will ! reboot the system ! p.s i know it's not perfect, but hey, U can allways polish and improve it. i've tested on my live system and it worked. p.s.s it doesn't contain all the files, but most of them. oh, and U may call it alpha or whatever U pleased :0) *** Updated *** patch.1.1.rar 9.45 KB http://rapidshare.com/files/91195621/patch.1.1.rar.html
  24. 2 Sull ok, here it is. Resource Hacker will not save properly logonui.exe.res after U change bitmap with it, i've tried and it didn't worked. but it did worked with sysdm.cpl.res. U can use (both checked-working) : Restorator 2007 Resource Editor http://www.bome.com/Restorator/ or XNResourceEditor (free) http://www.wilsonc.demon.co.uk/d10resourceeditor.htm or take logonui.exe, in ResourceHacker>"Action">"Update all Resources" from logonui.exe.res and then change the bitmap U want and save. 2 ricktendo64 logonui.exe.res is 5.71 MB, using 100.bmp of 5.49 MB (1600x1200) i've replaced 100.bmp with one 2.25 MB (1024x768) preview: http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/7987/100bq2.jpg logonui.exe.res.rar 705 KB http://rapidshare.com/files/90801517/logon...xe.res.rar.html
  25. have U had an error during bitmap replacement ? it looks like corrupt res file. try to use same resolution 1024x768 or whichever is there...