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Everything posted by amnesia

  1. U can use these for now http://www.4shared.com/file/83956190/a973d...2AVIsBlack.html
  2. 7zip bitmaps and patched 7zFM.exe by Jekson07 (forum.oszone.net) http://www.4shared.com/file/83914961/876c0ed/7zFM.html 7z.dll icons http://www.4shared.com/file/83917153/d1f30c54/7zdll.html
  3. speaking of black, blue, purple and green things... here comes a set of "gorgeous glass folders" icons, handcrafted by the resources expert and the pixelmaster himself (am i being too modest, again ? with PNGs and Paint.Net templates + Bonus, enjoy... p.s. ...did amnesia went colormad ?... is it a color infection ? or a case of hue fever ? http://depositfiles.com/files/qgzo89zxf 1.73MB md5: 53EA1E6F65B07EB0BE0B8645D9117A24 mirror: http://www.4shared.com/file/83885637/e9ce0..._Folders_-.html * in memory of a case of da Beer, that heroically died last night * edit: 7-Zip 4.65 (2009-02-03) http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sevenzip/7z465.exe now with full color supported on the toolbar bitmaps in 7zFM.exe 7zip toolbar bitmaps http://www.4shared.com/file/83902350/41c05...zipbitmaps.html
  4. but, isn't there WinCert.net Forums in Heavens ?
  5. the year is 2020... XPtsp changelog: - no reboots - fixed code to encrease your boobs, libido and changing eyecolor - added temperature variables to "making you a cup of joe" routine oh, come on now, it's a joke
  6. then U'll need to attach translate.google.com for translating text in dialogs :sweatingbullets: there may be other ways to create bloat and potential problems, U know. [/my 2 cents] edit: here is what a dialog looks like (with LTEXT, GROUPBOX and CAPTION needed to change for translation) Off-Topic Comment(Click to Show) 101 DIALOGEX 32, 10, 499, 266, 0STYLE DS_SETFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_FIXEDSYS | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "General" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 0, FALSE { GROUPBOX "Windows Information...", 10, 138, 0, 359, 69, WS_GROUP CONTROL "", 51, "STATIC", SS_BITMAP | SS_CENTERIMAGE, 372, 6, 64, 60 LTEXT "Platform:", 0, 142, 11, 37, 8, NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Licence Type:", 0, 142, 25, 55, 8, NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Core OS Version:", 0, 142, 40, 59, 8, NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Service Pack:", 0, 142, 55, 53, 8, NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "", 52, 208, 11, 115, 8 LTEXT "", 53, 208, 25, 115, 8 LTEXT "", 54, 208, 40, 115, 8 LTEXT "", 55, 208, 55, 115, 8 GROUPBOX "License Information...", 12, 138, 72, 359, 68, WS_GROUP CONTROL 2, 0, "STATIC", SS_BITMAP | SS_CENTERIMAGE | SS_REALSIZEIMAGE | WS_GROUP, 373, 79, 62, 58, WS_EX_TRANSPARENT LTEXT "", 56, 208, 86, 122, 8, SS_NOPREFIX | SS_REALSIZEIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "", 57, 208, 104, 122, 8, SS_NOPREFIX | SS_REALSIZEIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Registered To:", 81, 142, 86, 60, 8, SS_NOPREFIX | SS_REALSIZEIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Product ID:", 80, 142, 122, 50, 8, SS_NOPREFIX | SS_REALSIZEIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "", 58, 208, 122, 122, 8, SS_NOPREFIX | SS_REALSIZEIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP GROUPBOX "System Information...", 60, 137, 142, 359, 123, WS_GROUP CONTROL "", 62, "STATIC", SS_BITMAP | SS_CENTERIMAGE, 314, 149, 180, 111 CONTROL "", 63, "Link Window", 0, 208, 155, 105, 8 LTEXT "Customized By:", 0, 142, 155, 64, 8, NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "XP-tsp Version:", 0, 142, 165, 64, 8, NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "CPU Make/Model:", 0, 142, 183, 61, 8, NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "CPU Speed And Installed Memory:", 0, 142, 205, 62, 16, NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Memory Protection:", 0, 142, 225, 68, 8, NOT WS_GROUP CONTROL "", 64, "Link Window", 0, 208, 165, 105, 8 CONTROL "", 65, "Link Window", 0, 208, 183, 105, 8 CONTROL "", 66, "Link Window", 0, 208, 193, 105, 8 CONTROL "", 67, "Link Window", 0, 208, 213, 105, 8 CONTROL "", 68, "Link Window", 0, 208, 225, 105, 8 PUSHBUTTON "&Support Information", 69, 174, 246, 101, 14, NOT WS_VISIBLE | WS_DISABLED CONTROL 6, 0, "STATIC", SS_BITMAP | WS_GROUP, 0, 0, 133, 266 LTEXT "Organization:", 0, 142, 104, 55, 8, NOT WS_GROUP } [Close]
  7. still i'm lost on the reason of patching different LangIDs when all dialogs patched by XPtsp are in english and customized
  8. i getting this on trying to download: anyways, is it a newest sfx ? or 1.3 beta ?
  9. what r U people trying to achive with LangIDs, if i may ask ? english id is 1033. i don't think Reshacker is capable of changing LangID from command-script and U may end up with two resources with different LangIDs. Restorator does have -guiless (Do not display main window) http://bome.com/Restorator/help/help.html#_Toc350126141 btw, it was mentioned on russian forum that xpsp2res.dll is called sprt0419.dll in the source, so i can assume, other langs will be sprt*.dll... (Fixit can check on his NL source...)
  10. amnesia.VS updated to include single (green) Shellstyle.dll http://www.4shared.com/file/83468242/eb746..._amnesiaVS.html mirror: http://depositfiles.com/files/o6vcuby2f
  11. oh, isn't that sweet Thank U :thumbsup_anim:
  12. thank U and i hope, U understand that i'm just wholeheartedly trying to help :welcome:
  13. here ya go XPtsp theme updated and with proper Shellstyle.dlls http://depositfiles.com/files/pi106wtw5 edit: this info was included in textfile\themes_ini [Documentation] DisplayName = XPtsp LastUpdated = 01.31.2009 ToolTip = XPtsp Author = XPtsp Team Company = XPtsp Team Copyright = XPtsp
  14. do U stiil need Calibri font reference in it ? is Segoe UI font included in XPtsp ? i would just use Tahoma
  15. blue and black are working now... i can edit luna.msstyles to remove Classic XP should i change Inspirat2 to XPtsp ? and do U want to point to \AeroBlue\shellstyle.dll and \AeroBlack\shellstyle.dll ? should i include new startbutton ?
  16. link to black and blue shellstyle.dll http://depositfiles.com/files/n13t3yi9m
  17. Ok, i see Extra\blue_ss.dll and Extra\home\home_ss.dll FileMove($XTRA & "\BLUE_SS.DLL", @WindowsDir & "\Resources\Themes\Luna\Shell\NormalColor\ShellStyle.dll", 1) FileMove($XTRA & "\HOME_SS.DLL", @WindowsDir & "\Resources\Themes\Luna\Shell\Homestead\ShellStyle.dll", 1) am i missing something or the path for home_ss.dll is wrong in da script ?
  18. i was asking about how many styles are in the current luna included with XPtsp...
  19. some more boxes
  20. here is one with Phenom die nice, huh ? The Andromeda Galaxy. cool place for vacation, too
  21. about current luna.msstyles being used... startbutton looks a little cut off, so here is a new one, some of U may like... also, the VS is overloaded with extra bitmaps for what is suppose to be different styles in it: "Aero Green", "Aero Black", "Aero Blue", "Classic XP" ? i tried to switch between them with no effect... it could be in my case, can someone confirm styles changes or not ? i may remove unnecessary bitmaps, if they are not being used, thus bringing the size from ~7mb to ~2mb. here is amnesia.msstyles 1.71mb and nice (with the new startbutton) amnesia.VS.rar
  22. Updated netid.dll.res, remotepg.dll.res, srrstr.dll.res sysdm.cpl.res, wuaucpl.mui.res, xpsp2res.dll.res with bitmaps and dialogs better aligned http://depositfiles.com/files/rpt6kyyt9
  23. very nice Alduin Visual Style http://lassekongo83.deviantart.com/art/Ald...-Style-97248031
  24. cute blue and green folders http://alkhan.deviantart.com/gallery/ http://ziomekorko.deviantart.com/gallery/#Icons :dribble: