Everything posted by amnesia
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
Super Update 12.29.08 (resources sorted by folders) http://depositfiles.com/files/kdltk0bgz huge thanx to the author, Jekson07 (http://forum.oszone.net/thread-117754-120.html)
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
shell32.dll.res Dialog 29952 and Bitmap 8886
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
it's just doubled echoing, since i've added "Delay is Normal"...
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
2 RisingXun Thank-you for your reply and your time. Off-Topic Comment(Click to Show) as is, a batch (me using VISO.Live.2.7) does it's job of patching a "live system" in 2min. while being easy-open for anybody (without fancy programming skills). and after M$ does another massive update ? U rebuild your distro (30-40 min?) , me just run a batch again... GUI-SHMUI, i don't care, make it look good fast... my 2 cents p.s. me going back to DOS or switching to linux. [Close]
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
2 RisingXun i'm just curious, how hard would be to convert VISO.Live.2.7 (these are the simple batches) to autoit script ? is there any simple convertor U know of ? http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?sho...ost&p=36997
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
2 mona small or large ? http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/support/toolbar.html IDM_Toolbar_Creation_Instructions.rar
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
2 mona the updates U req. may take awhile to do... here are the first 22 http://gettyfile.com/233279/ ResourcesList.txt
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
2 mona update 94 files ? i need to get enough beer worry not, i did few already... (files) 2 ALL Merry X-Mas ! Happy Hanukkah ! Happy Kwanzaa ! :giveheart:
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
well, the correct wording would be: finding most of the bitmaps, icons and translating-adapting fancy dialogs just kidding p.s. U could use some glamour icons from http://browse.deviantart.com/customization...9&q=glamour edit: just kidding, again Off-Topic Comment(Click to Show) new ideas "Hardcore", "BDSM". i can help U, to make some new and nasty bitmaps [Close]
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
meditation about msgina.dll (classic logon) i've made these, cause i already know-remember M$, XP and Professional besides, i've added a logo there, just in case i'll start to think that it's a linux or something http://gettyfile.com/232541/
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
unnecessary information wording to my opinion and as U understand i don't suggest anything. i've posted mine version just for example purpose.
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
U can open sysdm.cpl.res in ResHacker or Restorator and modify Dialog 101. or U can use mine plain sysdm.cpl.res (without unnecessary wording) http://gettyfile.com/232451/
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
here are the blue icons normalized to 48, 32, 16 format http://gettyfile.com/232257/
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
00 00 00 00 15 1A 20 00 46 46 46 00 D2 3E 2D 00 01 65 53 00 05 35 B2 00 7E 7E 7E 00 00 92 89 00 FC 7F 5E 00 20 6B F7 00 FF A6 8D 00 04 DC 8E 00 1B BC F3 00 BC BC BC 00 FC FC FC 00 FF FF FF
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
oh, come on now, don't give up all we have to do is follow step-by-step tutorial from http://www.geocities.com/thejjoelc/XPbootcolors.html and figure out how to attach hex editing to reshacker-patching routine edit: i actually went on and hex edit my kernel, the palette changed (to normal, i suppose). so, the next step is to play with bitmaps-palettes (yeah, i kinda went in reverse order)
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
well, the actual bitmap is and pasted to kernel, sure thing it looks very much good and psychedelic for a New Year :evil: 16 colors are 16 color limited palette is limited palette edit: and how do U expect anything nice and fancy, when your video drivers loaded later on ? :g: edit again: http://www.geocities.com/thejjoelc/XPbootcolors.html :doh:
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
You are asking for impossible thing, for changing bitmaps in .res file is not enough (because of kernel palette limitation and fixed position of progressbar)... unless You are using precompiled bootscreen or tools to customise it... don't You think Vishal would of post couple of bitmaps instead of pre-made kernel ? and quite honestly, sir, i for example see my bootsceen for 1 sec. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters] "EnablePrefetcher"=dword:00000001 and i care more about getting into windows faster....
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
2 rubab for more info on modifying bootsceen: http://www.geocities.com/thejjoelc/XPbootcolors.html http://www.thetechguide.com/howto/xpbootlogo/ but, if U want a custom-goodlooking bootscreen, your options are: 1. BootSkin http://storage.stardock.com/files/bootskin_free.exe 2. TuneUp Utilities>WinStyler http://www.tune-up.com/download/ (helps you to create custom boootscreen, but it saves it in a TUKernel file and changes your boot.ini to point to it. U can save your original boot.ini priop to that. rename TUKernel to ntoskrnl and restore original boot.ini. U can use it, but if U try to import bitmaps from it, it's not going to work, since it's compiled-modified) btw, that's how it was done at http://www.askvg.com/download-windows-7-bo...for-windows-xp/ 3. choose from variety of bootscreens at www.themexp.org http://www.themexp.org/listings.php?type=b...c=&catdesc= or deviantART http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§...mp;q=bootscreen hope it helps
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
enjoy edit: U also need to add blue circles to shell32 browseui.dll.res.blue.rar blue.circles.for.Shell32.rar
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
HoHoHo! Santa__s_Takeover.ico.rar
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
shell32.dll.res with blue folders updated if U updated your folders to blue already, just check icons 20 and 37 http://gettyfile.com/231443/ edit: blue folders for explorer toolbar, if U will :0) explorer.toolbar.blue.folders.rar
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
2 mona, sT0n3r and all blue fans out there updated blue resources: cdfview.dll.res, cryptui.dll.res, fldrclnr.dll.res, hhctrl.ocx.res, hhctrlui.dll.res, main.cpl.res, mstsc.exe.res http://gettyfile.com/231370/ Thank You and God Bless You All :thumbsup_anim: p.s. U got to understand... i don't have any templates, so i'm re-creating bitmaps from scratch and the differences are expected. although it may look even better themeui.8887.Blue.rar
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
i've posted blue folders links http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?s=&...ost&p=38072
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
2 sT0n3r taskmgr.exe.res with blue bitmaps http://depositfiles.com/files/6lxi7rf4h
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
2 sT0n3r here it is, .res files updated with Blue resources. U'll need to change shell32 Avis, if U like... ResourcesBlue.rar 25.9 MB http://gettyfile.com/230884/ oh, i see. so we'll have more blue choices available i guess, the next step will be doing Glamour-pinkish update for the Ladies :wub_anim: http://browse.deviantart.com/customization...9&q=glamour